

Student records can be cleared

Students who do not want potential employers to know they have a criminal background can have their records sealed or expunged. 
                Debbie Robinson, 20, a second-year nursing student from Leesburg, Va., said she decided to have her record sealed, so it would not affect her future career as a […]


Hughes chosen for diplomat position

Ambassador Miriam Hughes has been appointed as the new Diplomat-in-Residence at Florida A&M on behalf of the U.S. Department of State. Unfortunately Hughes was not able to accept her appointment formally at Tuesday’s reception, due to an illness in her family. “[Diplomats-in-residence] are a great resource to recruit students and […]


Online university forum successful

A  presidential forum was held through the FAMU Web site on Tuesday. Students and faculty logged on to take part in the Presidential Forum.  University communications officials, Gregory Speights, Tawanda Green, Angel Suri and Pamela Tolson moderated the forum.  Throughout the day, Rattlers were able to post questions to an […]


SGA President Gallop Franklin impeached

The Student Senate voted nine for and 16 against with zero abstentions to impeach SGA Student Body President Gallop Franklin Monday night. Senate President Asia McFarland, a 21-year-old MBA student from Raleigh, N.C., said, “The motion against President Franklin was on the grounds of misfeasance and nonfeasance of duties because […]


Volunteering common among students

Some academic majors at Florida A&M require students to have community service hours in order to receive their degrees, but some students procrastinate to fulfill that duty. In the Office of Student Union and Activities at FAMU, there are many organizations that volunteer services for different programs on and off […]


Turnbull has vision for FAMU

Florida A&M’s newest Board of Trustees member, Marjorie Turnbull brings both knowledge and expertise in the field of education and public policy. Turnbull is a former State Representative and Board of Trustees member at Edward Waters College in Jacksonville. Trustee Robert Brown announced he would not submit his name for […]


Civil Rights activist addresses students

#8220;The black community has to be willing to set its own agenda and organize its own community.”  Powerful words from civil rights leader, D’Army Bailey, who offered words of wisdom to a freshman history class Thursday in the B.L. Perry building at Florida A&M. A former judge, Bailey is the […]


International week kicks off activities

The Florida A&M’s Office of International Education and Development is preparing to launch a campus wide  International Education Week of activities the week of Nov. 15-20. The week was established in 2000 and is a joint initiative by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Education to promote […]


Prominent surgeon visits FAMU

The Student Government Association and Florida A&M University Board of Trustees hosted the event, Ben Carson on the Hill in Lee Hall auditorium. Ben Carson is a world-renowned neurosurgeon who spoke on success and encouraged Florida A&M students to think big and strive for their dreams. “Even if something looks […]


Lack of bus route for students cause a problem

Some students at Florida A&M are concerned about a lack of bus transportation to the new FAMU Developmental Research School, the FAMU Police Department and the Campus Recreation Center. Many of those students rely on the FAMU Campus Venom Shuttle Service, founded by former student senator, Rep. Alan Williams. The […]