

SWAAG initiated

No one in Florida A&M’s Grand Ballroom will have ‘swagger’ like the academic adviserscome April 1-2.FAMU’s Recruitment and Retention Center will be hosting a change of major and academicadvisement fair and will implement a new initiative called S.W.A.A.G.Director of Retention William Hudson, Jr. said S.W.A.G.G. stands for Students Who AreAdvised […]


Florida Legislative session addresses key issues

The 2010 Florida Legislative season has begun and this year there are several issues on the agenda, some that could effect Florida A&M. Florida has a chance to receive up to $4.4 billion in federal education grants. Decisions will be made in April on the division of the money between […]


FAMU vice president for research testifies before Senate

Larry Robinson stressed his research credentials and goals to the U.S Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee during his testimony confirmation hearing on Thursday. A vice president for research at Florida A&M, Robinson was nominated to be the next assistant secretary of commerce on Jan. 29 by President Barack Obama. […]


Health care legislation signed

Sunday night President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party prevailed in their 13-month battle for healthcare reform. The House of Representatives passed the Affordable Healthcare for America Act,more commonly known as the health care bill, with a vote of 219-212.   Over the past year, the House of Representatives and […]


Frenchtown Community Credit Union opens in spring

Frenchtown residents said they are looking forward to their first community credit union scheduled to open the end of spring to early summer. Residents expressed great pleasure with the timing of the credit union, which coincides with the continued revitalization of the Frenchtown neighborhood. ‘‘I’m excited about the opening of […]


CIA provides job and internship opportunities to students

Representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency were on Florida A&M University’s campus Tuesday, to provide information about job and internship opportunities with the agency. “We offer jobs to 50 different career disciplines,” said Tom A., Retention and Diversity Outreach Coordinator. The CIA supports the president, the National Security Council and […]


Summit brings activits

Susan Taylor, editor-in-chief emeritus of Essence magazine, will be the keynote speakerat the Florida A&M Student Summit on March 28 at 6 p.m. in Gaither Gymnasium. Panelist for the summit will include author and professor Cornell West, three-timepresidential candidate Ralph Nader, Frank Brogan, chancellor for the State UniversitySystem of Florida, […]


Obama signs health care bill

After months of congressional debates and speeches, President Barack Obama signs the health care bill into legislation Tuesday. Before the signing president Obama said the following: “We are not a nation that scales back its aspirations. We are not a nation that falls prey to doubt or mistrust. We don’t […]


Florida State University offers low cost health coverage

Florida State University offi cials are encouraging other universities to join them in make healthcare insurance mandatory and affordable for uninsured college students. “We insure our cars because it’s mandatory,” said Lesley Sacher, director of FSU’s Healthcare Department. “Why not look at our bodies the same way?” FSU has been […]


College of Engineering Sciences Technology and Agriculture receives horses

Veterinary students have a better way to prepare them for their animalscience careers. Two racehorses have found a new home at the Animal Complex and Facility at the university’s Research and Development Center in Quincy, Fla. New York stallion, Smooth Jazz, and Florida stallion, Alysweep, were donated to the FAMU […]