

DJ Jay Elliott lets students voice in their thoughts about relationships

The laptop clock flashed 5:30 p.m., and laughter and playful banter echoed off of the Styrofoam walls of the 97.9 broadcast studio. The music dropped and show participants eagerly donned their headsets. Soft, cushioned, mismatched chairs and equipment lined the walls, illuminated by a single dim lamp placed in […]


Moviegoers can bank on Takers

Massive explosions of CO4, sleek cars swiftly swerving through traffic and well-dressed, good-looking men exchanging lukewarm banter characterized what some of have called “the summer’s hottest action film.” “Takers,” features acting veterans like Matt Dillon, Idris Elba, Hayden Christiansen, Paul Walker and Michael Ealy, and music crossovers T.I. and Chris […]


FAMU DRS Brings “The Wiz” to Campus

The students of Florida A&M University Developmental Research School received a standing ovation for their modern-twist production “The Wiz” on Thursday night. The play mimics the 1978 film that stars Diana Ross, along with the late Michael Jackson.  Almost 700 family members, students and friends watched Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin man and […]


Super Vegan Me: My journey to become a fully vegan continues

It has been an honor serving as the Lifestyles Editor for the Famuan this semester. Although it has been stressful a majority of my time here, I believe it has equipped me with some knowledge of how the workforce will be when it is my time to transition from Florida […]


FAMU students sets fashion trends by taking pets to classrooms

It is common to see students toting around teacup-sized dogs in shoulder bags as they go about their day. Dog experts say a majority of students do not have poochies for companionship. “I feel 99 percent of college students have their dogs for a fashion accessory,” said David Roundtree, a […]


Student opens clothing boutique

Inside the Pepper Flower Boutique there is a variety of clothing including short and long satin and cotton dresses of different prints. There are navy blue and white strapless one-piece jumpsuits, jeans, bikinis and a white bathing suit with a plunging v-neck, pink hearts and lace-which look more like lingerie. […]


Studies show social media may be good for networking, not personal skills

Social networking is one of the fastest growing communication channels. However, social networking can be the detriment to personal contact and interpersonal communication. A new study from the International Center for Media & the Public Agenda (ICMPA) at University of Maryland shows American college students who admit they are addicted […]


Panelists discusses sexual assault awareness in FAMU Perry-Paige Auditorium

The Florida A&M Chapter of S.I.S.T.U.H.S., Inc, facilitated a panel discussion on sexual assault awareness in Florida A&M University’s Perry-Paige Auditorium. Representatives from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Progressive Black Men, Sunshine Manor, and the Florida Department of Health spoke out about rape on college campuses. April is Sexual Assault Awareness […]


Two popular nightclubs divide the same group of patrons in Tallahassee

Tallahassee’s newest nightclub has broadened the options for Thursday night club goers, but another Thursday night hot spot does not feel threatened by its opening. When you enter the 20/20 nightclub located at 2020 West Pensacola St., attendees will notice an immense dance floor, two bars—more than 15 ft. in […]