Author: Anthony Cole | Staff Reporter


Look to Lucilla for your next brunch spot

As we transform from college students to professionals, our nightlife goes through its own metamorphosis. From staying out late in the club to light Sunday brunches, Lucilla is the new spot to be. Located at 1241 E Lafayette St., Lucilla’s location would be straight out of a storybook with the […]


HBCU inspired magazine creates opportunities for students

Stephanie Tharpe, founder of the Millennial Maverick Magazine. Photo submitted by Stephanie Tharpe  Millennials in today’s era are pushing more for their voices to be heard, especially at historically Black colleges & universities (HBCU). Stephanie Tharpe, the founder of the Millennial Maverick Magazine, wants to give HBCU college students the opportunity […]


Community applauds relocation of historic black barbershop

Cicero Hartsfield, one-time resident of Smokey Hollow, cuts the ceremonial ribbon. Photo credit: Tajae Jones    The historic Raleigh Powell Barbershop is finally enjoying some familiar company. The barbershop, a landmark in the former Smokey Hollow neighborhood, formally joined the tribute to the one-time black neighborhood in Cascades Park. The […]