Author: Marlon Walker


Financial woes grow with time

By the time you get to your fourth year at FAMU, many things seem to be expected. But you come back after every summer away thinking the same thing.Maybe this is that 4.0 semester.Maybe my roommate will pay his or her bills this time.Maybe my net check will come on […]


Athletes give their lives to the game

Ferris State linebacker Matt Sklom died Wednesday after collapsing during a routine practice. The 18-year-old was a walk-on, who had been practicing with the team for a couple of weeks. Sklom was participating in a tackling drill when he collapsed on the field. Reports indicate that his death was due […]


Campus athletes to undergo drug testing this year

This year is the first year that the school will randomly test its athletes for performance-enhancing drugs. Although the NCAA tests for performance-enhancing drugs at their championships, individual universities are not required to test their athletes. “[Drug testing] has been going on for a while in football and track and […]


Sushi cafe develops new appeal

If you like it raw, Jasmine Cafe & Lounge may just be just the place for you. The sushi restaurant is striving to be “Tallahassee’s New Eclectic Hotspot,” according to flyers being placed around town. Complete with trendy Asian-inspired design; a college-friendly atmosphere and an assortment of menu options, the […]


Campus Notes

Phi Beta Sigma in conjunction with students activities will be hosting a Monday Night Football Social today in the Rattler’s Den at 8 p.m. For more information, call Chad Burkhalter at 219-7845 or 284-4561. Meet the Greeks today at 7 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom. They will present their history […]


Scholarship program nears extinction

The state legislature is discussing ways to cut the cost of rewarding Bright Future Scholarships.The amount of money the state awards per year has increased over $100 million since the program’s inception five years ago.Two solutions being considered are proposals to increase the scholarship qualifications and to no longer pay […]


Elections encourage freshman involvement

The posters are up, the flyers have been distributed and Tuesday, freshmen and graduate students will vote for their representatives. Eighty-two freshmen are campaigning in the dorms , on the Set and in classrooms to fill 11 senate positions, one attendant position, a president and vice president position. “I plan […]


Our negative actions influence our children

Being around my people should be an uplifiting experience. It should bring a smile to my face and fill me with pride. I think.The other day I was passing by the Orange Room and heard someone jovially yelling obscenities across the Quad. As I looked over at this person, who […]


rolling past into present

my plan,it revolves around spontaneousmy destination is my journeyi’ve climbed vinyl tracks,followed cracks in the sidewalk sideways to hideaways highways have swayed and missed,trypticand mysticand slipped in all crypticthen tripped to forget it stripped it andlifted iclimbed and i gripped it and i ascended to the top of the tree,but […]