Author: Komari Simmons


Set Friday Relocation

Florida A&M University’s office of student activity has changed Set Friday’s location yet again. FAMU’s Office of Student Activities has taken action after hearing complaints from various vendors. Florida A&M’s OSA allows for vendors to come set up tables to sell a variety of knick-knacks such as designer hats, sunglasses, […]


Hope in H.E.A.L.S

Pam Langford made it her mission to inform and educate others after she was diagnosed with a disease 10 times more infectious than HIV. Langford, a retired electroencephalogram technician from Colorado, became president of Tallahassee’s Hepatitis Education Awareness and Liver Support Group or ”H.E.A.L.S.” after she was diagnosed with Hepatitis […]


Star Metro new program offers free rides for Vets

Tallahassee’s StarMetro is giving back to those who have served in battle. Tallahassee’s city commission has approved a year’s pilot program to aid veterans, low income and homeless, in need of transportation. Using a smart card, Veterans with less than a $17,505 a year and veterans receiving disability are eligible […]


It’s a “Diet” Deception

Consumers have misconceptions that just because a product says diet it has to be “healthy.” Through mass marketing, soda companies have misled consumers to believe that low or zero calorie diet soda is a healthier alternative to regular soda. Donna Starke, a nurse practitioner at the student health services at […]


Bond Community Health Center The Neighborhood Help

Quality health care is tough to come by for many Americans, especially for future college graduates. Bond Community Health Center makes it their mission to be able to support all of Tallahassee. Julian Harris, a senior business administration student from Orlando, Fla., is pensive when looking to his future in […]


Tallahassee Church Opens Pumpkin Patch

Gray Memorial United Methodist Church located at the corner of Old Bainbridge and Yaupon Drive invites the public to their annual pumpkin patch.   The patch is available Oct. 4 through Oct. 31. The hours of operation are from noon till dusk.   Penny Lamboy, a member at Gray Memorial […]


Philadanco Performs for FAMU Inauguration Week

ldquo;Philadanco,” The Philadelphia Dance Company performed Thursday night at the Lee Hall auditorium, leaving the audience with smiles and ultimately receiving a standing ovation. “Philadanco” is a nonprofit organization comprised of dancers, choreographers and staff. The company is celebrated by many for its creativity and preservation of predominantly African American […]


New crime prevention app on Florida A&M Campus

Florida A&M’s chief of police is urging students to download a new mobile phone app that will aid in campus crime prevention. Thumb Alert is a mobile application that allows users to receive emergency alerts through SMS test messages, app notifications and emails for faster responses to incidents and […]


Student Government Inaugural, Founder’s Day Kick-Off

Faculty members and students gathered around the eternal flame last night to celebrate FAMU’s 127 birthday and the inauguration of new president, Elmira Mangum. The “Student Government Inaugural/ Founder’s Day Kick-Off” began at 10 p.m. and ended just after midnight. Student Government Association President Tonette Graham, a senior health care […]


The Purpose of FAMU Set Friday

Florida A&M University has a tradition that originated years ago. This tradition is known as the event called “Set Friday,” which takes place every Friday around the student union on campus. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. students gather at the set to browse the vendors, enjoy food or socialize […]