Author: Ashley Hogans


PACE mentors young women

Keyshia Robinson, whose name is changed to protect her privacy, is looking forward to the end of December when she will be able to transition to a public high school. First, she has to complete her studies at the Practical Academic Cultural Education center, also known as PACE. Robinson, 15, […]


Students tackle full time jobs and class schedules

College students have to worry about more than making a grade. Many students say they are faced with the challenge of working while being in school. “The majority of students work because they need the money to pay for various necessities,” said Dr. Yolanda Bogan, Director of University Counseling at […]


LGBT community celebrate National Coming Out week

The LGBT Student Pride Union of Florida A&M University is not letting the recent surge of homophobia in the news get their spirits down. In fact, with the recent string of suicides and hate crimes covered in the news, the Union seems more determined to be active than ever.  […]


FACA will host symposium to address poverty

On Oct. 14, experts will join elected officials from across the state of Florida to address poverty in the United States. The Florida Association for Community Action will host the poverty symposium at Florida A&M’s Lee Hall Auditorium from 6 to 9 p.m. The main goal of the symposium […]


FAMU faculty and staff receive word of $1,000 salary increase

According to a memo sent out by President James Ammons, the university announced that a base salary increase in the amount of $1,000 will be granted to each eligible salaried employee and reflected retroactively as appropriate for the November 5 pay date.  The only employees eligible for this raise, however, are faculty and […]


TCC student still awaiting trial for September arrest

Former Tallahassee Community College student Reginald Chatman was tried on Sept. 21 for his involvement in an armed robbery, kidnapping, burglary of a dwelling and assault in 2008. After resuming for closing arguments and jury deliberation on Sept. 22, Chatman was found guilty on all counts. Sentencing will take […]


Judicial branch to host events on student awareness

The Florida A&M judicial branch plays an active role in protecting the rights of students, though many remain unaware of its functions. The cause of student naiveté is often related to unawareness of their student rights, in addition to a two year hiatus in most judicial activity due to […]


VP Candidate Cherise Peters speaks to students

On Monday, Cherise Peters, candidate for the position of vice president of the Department of Student Affairs spoke to students in a formal question and answer session in Lee Hall Auditorium. She addressed the many concerns of the students and gave her opinion on the state of […]


FAMU students give aid to Guyana

Water rolled down the back of a Guyanese man as he took a shower. The cool sensation provided comfort, but comfort soon diminished as heat scorched his skin.        A family member tried to set this man on fire because he was HIV positive, said Shanalee Gallimore, a graduate […]


When it comes to LGBT, the religious right is wrong

In the 2008 general elections, California voters decided by a close margin to disallow gay marriage. On Aug. 4, federal district court judge Vaughn Walker ruled the state ban unconstitutional stating that, “it prevents California from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis.”  Prior […]