Author: Andre Carter


Draft possibility worries some male students

Chauncey Moore doesn’t want to see any of his friends drafted into military service. “It would affect me a lot to see one of my friends have to go,” Moore, 20, an Army ROTC student from Satellite Beach said. Since America’s war on terrorism started, the thought of a military […]


Bush demands site inspections

KABUL, Afghanistan – U.S. Marine gunships launched their first strike, some Taliban troops fled their last base and President Bush signaled Monday that his anti-terror campaign soon could turn to Iraq’s Saddam Hussein. The president said Hussein, defeated but not deposed during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, must allow the […]


Police arrest more students in hazing incident

FAMU police arrested four suspects in connection with an alleged band-hazing incident that sent a freshman band member to the hospital. Carl Edwards, 22, a student from Lithonia, Ga., was placed under arrest on Monday after turning himself in to the police. Edwards is charged with four counts of aggravated […]


Presidential search continues

A once robust turnout dwindled at the end, but the expansive presidential search advisory committee collaborated and debated for four hours at its initial Nov. 19 meeting in Lee Hall. The gathering of administrators, students, staff, faculty and alumni kicked off a busy week in the lengthy process to replace […]


Former football player wins mayoral election in Detroit

With elections being held this month across the nation, this year’s results were especially pleasing to one alumnus. Kwame Kilpatrick, a 1992 political science graduate, was elected mayor of Detroit, the nation’s 10th largest city, on Nov. 11. Kilpatrick, 31, arrived at FAMU in 1988. He graduated with a 3.04 […]


World Week speaker addresses international issues

In yellow chalk, scrawled across the blackboard, the quote read, “You are a global citizen by birth.” For SBI professor John Warford, it’s a message that can’t be reinforced strongly enough to FAMU’s student body. “One of the last things we want is for students to leave FAMU and go […]



Graduate and Evening Examinations: For all classes that meet on weekdays beginning 5 p.m. and after, examinations will be held during regular class meeting. Final Exam Policy All students enrolled in a course requiring a final examination, graduating seniors and graduate students included, are required to take the exam at […]


Daughter praises long-time dad

Hey Dad, Check this out – your birthday is next week and all I can afford to give you is a shout-out in the campus rag. It’s not like this is a surprise – your birthday’s been on the same day for the past 39 years. However, lack of budgeting […]


Opinions censored in campus newspaper

A columnist at The Meter, the student newspaper at Tennessee State University, published an opinion piece criticizing the college president for being unaccessible and hypocritical. The writer, Alan C. Beard, referred to him as Daffy Duck. In his tirade, Beard pleaded for funding and equipment for the student newspaper and […]


Break Down

#8220;The student government has made their presence known. I truly believe that they are doing a great job. “- Charles Stennis, 22, senior, political science, Chicago “SGA needs to have more representation from other organizations. They are not as active as they should be. But, I do believe they held […]