Author: Jason Hutchins


SGA holds power over votes

Is FAMU attempting to have its own version of the 2000 U.S. presidential election or is it just a victim of a system that gives too much power to pseudo-politicians? Larry Rivers and Virgil Miller amassed more votes than their competition – not once, but twice. In fact, they got […]


Panel to discuss law, arts

The Florida State University College of Law’s Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Society (EASL) will present the first Entertainment, Arts and Sports Industry conference this Friday and Saturday at the college of law. Panelists will include entertainment, arts and sports lawyers, agents, professional athletes and representatives such as Clay Shiver […]


Rattlers prepare for next season

With spring football practice underway around the country and the Rattlers a week into theirs, here is a position-by-position status report on how FAMU is looking. Quarterback Key players lost: Casey Printers, Reggie HayesKey players returning: Ben Dougherty, Toney Scott Status: If a team loses both its starting and backup […]


Campus housing reeks

It is my unfortunate displeasure to compliment how wonderful the housing is on FAMU’s campus. Upon visitation to FAMU’s campus, the nice bathrooms and the nice dorms are showed to ignorant freshmen, lacking true knowledge of how disgusting these dorms really are. For our president to be the second highest […]


Read leases carefully

At the start of the 2000-2001 school year, Sean Villery-Samuel narrowly escaped having to pay a lease for an apartment he did not want or could afford to live in. “If I hadn’t read my lease I would have been stuck with paying the rent for two apartments,” said the […]


Leasing an apartment entails responsibility

Janae Turner is tired of dealing with dorm life. “The sloppy roommates, resident assistants and curfew have driven me to finding alternative living arrangements,” said the 20-year-old junior sports management student from Miami. Jackie Flowers, manager of University Commons, said that housing is a big issue for most college students. […]


Leaving home sparks creativity

Leaving home creates a variety of new experiences, one of which is the freedom to design a new living space. The opportunity to display the individuality and creativity you’ve been hiding behind the bedroom walls at home has finally presented itself. “The most obvious reason students like myself don’t have […]


Roommates can become best friends

Living with a roommate whether, he or she is a complete stranger or a friend from back home, is an opportunity to learn about yourself as well as others. “Some things just have a way of working out,” said Dominique Jackson, a sophomore biology student from Bradenton, Fla. “My former […]



After more than 2,000 students fought bad weather to vote in Thursday’s run-off election, the SGA president and vice president for 2003-2004, along with another runoff decision, are still yet to be determined. Larry Rivers and Virgil Miller, candidates on the presidential ticket, won 1381 of the student votes in […]


Twisted Words…

Allegations Fail To Hinder CandidateWednesday, March 5, 2003 Dear Editor: I am usually extremely anxious to pick up the latest issue of the FAMUan and read about the latest campus, local, and national news. However, after reading last Friday’s paper, I was appalled and somewhat angry by the reporter’s manipulation […]