Author: Bryce Burnett


Ecclectic Showcase of Artistry

On Friday three artists showcased varied styles of artwork. Artists Jelena Berenc, an Illinois-based artist, Andy Behrle, an Alabama-based artist, and Leighton McWilliams, a Texas-based artist and Florida State University alumnus, will have their artwork on display this month at 621 Gallery. The Gallery is tucked away inside of Railroad […]


Striker to Nutcracker: Rattler Follows His Passion to Ballet Stage

In a ballet dance studio filled with mirrors and bars, students gathered to learn new dance moves from a Florida A&M Striker. Marcus Bailey, 21, a fourth-year theatre performance student from Ft. Myers, Fla., is a member of the Strikers dance troupe, as well as a member of the Marching […]


Dear Pedestrians, For Your Safety and Mine, Look Both Ways

Pedestrians need a reality check. Just because there is a cross-walk, does not warrant a free pass to carelessly proceed into or hold traffic to a stop for blocks. Everyone has seen it and at times everyone has done it. With a car coming down Wahnish Way, and with not […]


The Importance of the Iowa Caucus

It is the beginning of 2012 and while there are many uncertainties about the coming year, including whether or not the world will end, one constant is the near-manic coverage and behavior of those involved in the Iowa Caucus. For those uninitiated with the workings of the Iowa caucus, it […]


Ammons Up for Review in February

Florida A&M president, James H. Ammons, will himself face a task force for his annual review on Feb.8 conducted by the FAMU Board of Trustees and several outside consultants.       The review will look into his role as president and how he has handled himself […]


Rec Center Offers Classes for Healthy Start to Spring 2012

With the semester just starting students are already looking forward to Spring Break. With the help of the Hansel E. Tookes Recreation Center, getting those bodies ripped and into shape will be easy. A schedule will soon be available for classes such as Zumba, Sweat & Sculpt, Marine boot camp […]


Southern Schools Association Chides Gov. Scott over Ammons

Following the death of FAMU drum major, Robert Champion, Gov. Rick Scott requested Florida A&M President, James H. Ammons to step aside while the Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducts two investigations. This gesture sparked the interest of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. SACS-COC, according […]


Occupy Tallahassee Still Going Strong

Between Bronough and Duval streets you can find people discussing issues they feel lawmakers need to address. They make up Occupy Tallahassee Occupy has several committees that meet weekly as well as a general body meeting that meets twice a week. The group began meeting at All Saints Café Oct. […]


Michelle Obama is Still Human

First Lady Michelle Obama is the epitome of class, elegance, grace, style and most of all intelligence. Well at least she is to me. To others she is just something to be ridiculed. In 2009, Michelle accompanied President Barack Obama on a trip to Europe. During this trip she met […]


Silence Destroys Community

African-Americans dreams of voting weren’t fully recognized until 1965, only 46 years ago. Since voting is still a relatively new process for African-Americans, one could assume voting would be at an all time high. However, statistics show that African-Americans have inconsistent voting patterns.  In the 2008 presidential election, according to […]