
Bag limits cause students to pay more

Airline baggage limits are not pleasing students because of the extra cost they impose on their budget. Delta, American Airlines, US Airways and AirTran all have similar baggage limits and carry-on requirements. “These baggage limits have me digging in my pocket and coming up empty-handed because of the other expenses […]


Diversity trends consume colleges

Racial diversity is becoming a common practice in the workforce–it is also becoming a trend among college campuses around the nation–and recently historically black colleges and universities. According to Diversity Web, a site created by the Association of American Colleges and Universities to establish diversity in all spectrums of higher […]


Students expect interaction

The person selected as the vice president of student affairs, is expected by many students to be visible and personable. Although this person is usually familiar with student leaders, that is not enough. “The person selected needs to be familiar with the entire student body,” said Erin Barnes, 20, a […]


Athletes score higher graduation rates

Student athletes are graduating at higher rates than the average college students. According to the NCAA Official 2002 Division 1 Graduation: Rates Report, first-time / full-time student athletes who enrolled at FAMU in the 1995-1996 school year had a 53 percent graduation rate, while only 45 percent of the general […]


Decorating brightens dorm room, spirits

Being away from home for the holiday season doesn’t mean you can’t ring your silver bells with holiday cheer. Try bringing the holiday to your home-away-from-home by decorating for Christmas. Changing your dorm décor for the holiday can be simple, uplifting and cheap. “Decorating for Christmas made me feel all […]


State, national law firms reduce recruitment

When Eddie Torres went to University of Miami’s law school last month to recruit summer interns for Steel Hector & Davis, he noticed some of his competitors were absent. He also discovered a more eager and more realistic group of students. “There’s a realization out there that it’s not a […]


Homeownership builds credit

Many students and graduates in Tallahassee face the dilemma of whether to buy or rent a home. Factors to consider are whether they are going to stay in this area for an extended time, if Tallahassee is a good place for them to be in and what would happen if […]


SBI strives to succeed

The fear in students before graduation is not having a position waiting for them when they get out of school. The major factor is being prepared to enter the work force. The School of Business and Industry tries hard to get their students ready through various types of internships. Therefore, […]


Prepare for prosperous future

Choices made prior to graduation will affect future career opportunities. Such is the case for Melvin Carter. Carter is a 2001 FAMU graduate business student. He now attends the University of Michigan as a graduate student. Carter studies public policy and hopes to become a minister. Because he worked hard […]


Afrocentrics open school

Sharon Ames-Dennard and her husband, Dana Dennard established Sakkara Youth Institute Independent School, a school that Ames-Dennard said “gives African-American students the venue to develop holistically.” In 1993, the Dennards noticed that very bright children were having difficulty passing standardized tests. The couple began offering summer programs that stress positive […]