Author: Roderick Smith


Country Needs Boosts in Education

As we enter a generation where education is the key to the future, “No child should be left behind.” In January 2002, President Bush signed the, “No Child Left Behind Act.” It reauthorized the existing elementary and secondary education act. NCLB made the most knowledgeable changes in federal law regarding […]


The ‘Real’ China

I’ve been studying at Shantou University in Shantou, Guangdong, China, for a month, and I’m still discovering the “real” China. It’s unnerving to walk to class and have people openly staring, pointing and saying “Wàiguó rén,” which means “foreigner” in Mandarin Chinese. The fact that I’m 5’8″ (which, by Chinese […]


Sleep Routines Affect Student Health

The staff of Tallahassee Memorial Hospital’s Sleep Center said waking up and going to sleep at the same time seven days a week provides the correct amount of healthy sleep. “Individuals between the ages of eight to mid-20s need at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep to actually develop […]


FAMU Suspends Professors after Hazing Investigations

The suspension of two Florida A&M professors last week for their alleged involvement in a hazing incident came after one faculty member felt Band Director Julian White was being treated unfairly. Associate music professor Longiuneu Parsons told Tallahassee Police Department investigators he felt White, who is on administrative leave, was […]


Campus Rec TV Helps Students Bond

The campus recreational TV channel has been operational for the last three months at the Hansel E. Tookes Sr. Student Recreation Center on the corner of Wahnish Way and Osceola Street. Campus Rec TV, as it called, offers Florida A&M students an opportunity to learn how to record and produce […]


Changing Your Lifestyle Pays Off

When considering the costs and benefits of going green, perhaps the best place to start is with an understanding of what is generally meant by “going green.” “Environmentally friendly activities have been popular for many years to preserve energy, reduce pollution and save money. The urge for the recent green […]


Transparency should be FAMU’s main objective

The reversal of the decision to allow the Anti-Hazing Committee to be outside the Sunshine Law is much welcomed; I wish it didn’t take pressure from Scott and Colson to make this happen. On March 23, the AHC requested exclusion from Florida’s Sunshine Law. On Friday, the university’s Trustees changed […]


‘Go Ahead and Resign’

Florida A&M’s Board of Trustees reversed the Anti-Hazing Committee’s decision to meet privately and without public notice. The 8-2 vote Friday requires the AHC to be open and transparent to comply with Florida’s Sunshine Laws, enacted in 1967, regarding the public’s right of access to governmental meetings and records. But […]


Angela Davis Brings Women’s Issues into Focus at FAMU

World-renowned political activist Angela Davis left memorable words with hundreds at Florida A&M’s Lee Hall Thursday.  “This was an event that I will never forget,” said Barry Archie, a fourth-year business administration student. “It was amazing, enriching and powerful to see someone who was actually involved in the movement and […]


Women Talk about ‘Things Mama Never Told Me’

Grasping the attention of the audience, a woman adorned in designer labels immediately pinpoints and audience member whose skirt revealed much more than her legs. Rae Lewis Thornton held nothing back as she talked about the effects of living with HIV/AIDS and the once taboo topics of sex, religion and […]