Author: Cornell Wedge


No vote ‘rocks the boat’

  I did not vote in the 2008 election. There, I said it. I did try to vote in the “historical” election. But I didn’t register in time, and I was unable to vote for change. However, President Barack Obama won without my vote. I’m registered to vote in November, […]


New plans for halftime

  As the first home game approaches, many students have mixed feelings regarding not only their attendance, but also the turnout of Florida A&M University’s student body.              Most concerns stem from the Marching “100” not performing during halftime.  Many students believe without the band at football games, the stands […]


Dance team suspended

  Florida A&M’s Interim President Larry Robinson suspended the Torque Dance Team after the university received an anonymous report from a parent about an alleged hazing incident. According to the report, the incident took place off campus during Labor Day weekend. This comes after Robinson recently lifted the ban on […]


Items you won’t find in your professor’s syllabus

Expensive textbooks, a demanding schedule, grueling study habits and anxieties over exams all conspire for a typical year of college life. To alleviate such stresses, students are turning to unlikely sources to fulfill their desires. The source: sex toys. An often touchy topic, sex toys are an essential part of […]


Make your dorm home

New students are incomplete without the ‘must haves’ to complete their new dorms. Whether you’re in Paddyfoote, Truth or McGuinn Halls, Rattlers can’t settle into their nests without making a trip to various stores to ensure they have all the necessities. Once your luggage hits the floor and you embrace […]


The real RAs of Florida A&M

  It’s 2 a.m. and Jessica Pierre, a junior health care management student from West Palm Beach, Fla., responds to a knock on her door. One of her residents wants to know if she has ketchup she can use for a hot dog. Being that it’s her second year as […]


Valet service offers convenience

  Students often worry about being late for class and the hassle of finding parking. But a new parking service may get rid of the headaches for good. No Time Wasted (NTW) is a valet company serving Florida A&M students, faculty and visitors between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday […]


Valet service offers convenience

  Students often worry about being late for class and the hassle of finding parking. But a new parking service may get rid of the headaches for good. No Time Wasted (NTW) is a valet company serving Florida A&M students, faculty and visitors between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday […]


Searching for a leader

Mud puddles dotted the grassy field. It had rained earlier that day, and “The Patch” was still showing signs of the recent downpour. But Florida A&M’s Marching “100” still practiced. The band’s formations took crooked, meandering turns around the 30-year-old practice field – all under the gaze of then-band Director […]


Calling all freshmen

The mixture of excitement and anxiety that most students feel on their first day of school is amplified for college freshmen. A large campus, increased responsibility and endless social opportunities can be overwhelming factors initially. Once adjusted, students flourish with these aspects of college life with the assistance of faculty […]