

Local residents demand answers about breast flash

LOCALTALLAHASSEE – Many local callers called in after Sunday night’s Super Bowl halftime show, according to Mike Smith, vice president of news and production of the local CBS affiliate, WCTV. During the show Janet Jackson’s breast was exposed when Justin Timberlake pulled off a piece of her clothing. Callers wanted […]


Dance film serves up mediocrity

No one expected B2K’s first feature film to be a cinematic masterpiece or even make the teen movie hall of fame, but “You Got Served” was a horrible way for a group, which recently announced its breakup, to be remembered by fans.The movie is set in Los Angeles and focuses […]


Brown advanced unity

Jim Brown was considered by many to be the greatest running back in the history of football. Brown attended Syracuse University, where he was named an All-American running back and later inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1995. He was also All-American in lacrosse and is considered […]


A Day in the Life of: Myiah Hughes

You’ve seen the end results, the killer crossover, breath-taking touchdowns and the celebrations after wins that make the lives of athletes look oh so charmed. But Rome wasn’t built in a day. Athletes work hard. Often starting their day while most people are still counting sheep. So before you go […]


Senate confirms deputy

With two confirmations and four points of new business, the student senate had much to cover during its short meeting on Monday. The first confirmation of the night was for the office of deputy electoral commissioner. Bridgette Nance, a senior public relations student from Fairfax, Va., was unanimously confirmed after […]


Learning from royalty

Adorned with her tiara and sash, Miss Black Florida, Donnitra Swain read to a room of about 40 second grade students Tuesday at Bond Elementary School. As part of her four-school circuit for the National Reading Chain Day, Swain, 20, a junior public relations student at Florida Memorial College in […]


Blacks battle blood pressure

There is an enemy lurking in the homes of blacks. It passes down from generation to generation. It puts people on medication, in hospitals and into graves. This illness is hypertension, known to most people as high blood pressure. Hypertension is a leading cause of death in the black community. […]


Blacks shaped basketball’s growth

In the period following the invention of basketball in 1891 by James A. Naismith, basketball teams were called “fives” because of the starting five players. Like the rest of society at the time, basketball was segregated; teams composed of all black players were known as ‘black fives’. The period between […]


Plantation FAMU

To say that people are standing on the shoulders of history is more than a metaphor. In fact, the saying has a great degree of accuracy on the highest of seven hills. Less than two centuries ago, territorial Gov. W.P. Duval owned “Highwood,” a slave plantation that existed where FAMU […]


Boycott destroys racial barriers

Rosa Parks made history when she refused to give up her seat at the front of a bus and ignited the Montgomery Bus Boycott. What some may not know, however, is another significant moment in the civil rights movement occurred in Tallahassee in the mid 1950s. For more than six […]