Author: Komari R. Simmons


A Wreck With The Rec Hours

Though FAMU’s Health initiatives — like GetFitFAMU — promote better living, the change in time schedules at the Hansel E. Tookes Recreation Center has become a deterrent for students who work out.   “Budget cuts have caused The Rec Center’s hours to be reduced,”  Crystal Bennette, building supervisor for the […]


City officials: FAMU Way extension will improve traffic flow, access

D.A. Robin; 09/28/2014 @ FAMU Way The extension to FAMU Way will feature roundabouts among other new amenities. City officials say the years of work will be worth it when traffic flow eases. The FAMU Way Extension project will not only improve the road, but better Tallahassee’s traffic flow, city […]


Florida Campaign Looks to Make College Affordable

Florida A&M University students and professor rallied on campus to promote voter registration and awareness of student debt September 26. The rally helped kick off the National Education Association's Degrees Not Debt campaign. The campaign is part of a country-wide initiative by the NEA to support relief for student debt […]


Christian school to introduce ‘Meridian Run’

On your mark, get set, go. North Florida Christian School is presenting the City of Tallahassee with the Meridian Run this Saturday. The event will be held at 3000 North Meridian Road at 8 a.m. The run is a fundraiser focused on lowering tuition costs and competitive education for children. […]


SGA hosts forum for proposal to split the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

The Florida A&M Student Government Association hosted an emergency meeting Monday concerning the recent proposal to split the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. The purpose of this open forum was to better inform students of the Florida Senate budget amendment within the General Appropriations Act for 2014-15 fiscal year. Nearly 70 […]


Celebrate Life Day discusses abortion bills

The Celebrate Life Day event on April 10, focused on protecting the rights of all, especially unborn children. The event started with a prayer breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Doubletree Hotel’s ballroom in Tallahassee, with 150 people gathered to hear the many speakers concerned with life. […]


Glory to God: The story of Desmond Lockhart

Desmond Lockhart, 28-year-old Miami, native, knows all about the power of religion. Lockhart moved to Tallahassee, seven years ago to escape his dangerous lifestyle. “Only thing I saw was going to the penitentiary,” Lockhart said. He was affiliated with gangs, acted off of impulse and lacked self-control. Because of his […]


Students explore entrepreneurism

Entrepreneurship is a growing trend in the United States. Small businesses have generated over 65 percent of the net new jobs since 1995, according to Forbes. More and more individuals are starting their own businesses, and college students are no exception. Florida A&M is stomping grounds for a few entrepreneurs […]


Engineering day allows graduates to give back to FAMU

Talk of life after college sometimes consists of aspirations of a six-figure-paying job, a house with more rooms than necessary and a head-turning car. Not many mention how they plan to give back to their school. The Engineering Technology Annual Alumni Industry Day gave former students the opportunity to bring […]


Romance after graduation

Collegiate couples graduating May 3 have a lot more to worry about than just finding a job. As if the burden of graduation and the insecurity that comes with it isn’t enough, there’s the underlying question of will the love last after graduation? Some graduating seniors determine the fate of […]