Author: Sheryl M. Patterson


Amends a weak attempt for Morgan

Reparations is the act of making amends for a wrong. In light of recent events, it seems appropriate to hold some opinion of this subject. OK, what am I really talking about? Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, J. P. Morgan Chase recently released a formal apology […]



Recently, lawmakers were made aware of a meeting in which Juvenile Justice Secretary Anthony Schembri showed “How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police,” a skit by Chris Rock, in a meeting with the NAACP. Schembri used this tape at the meeting to open up a discussion about […]


FSU TAs fight for equal pay

Recently, some teacher’s assistants at Florida State University said wages they have received thus far are not equivalent to the amount determined prior to this semester and written in contract. “Going through this ordeal has been like a punch in the gut,” said William Lawson, a 26-year-old communication graduate student […]


‘A Killing In Choctaw’ tells personal tale

#8220;Pop!.. Pop!.. Pop!…” This was the sound of the gun that murdered George Raye as his 18-year-old son, Carl, looked on. And, as he watched his father take his last breath, all he could say was, “God No! No, God, Why?!” His father had been shot to death because of […]


PRSSA sponsors diversity event

One of FAMU’s student organizations will help bring diversity to campus. From March 4 to March 6, FAMU’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America will host the “Successful PR in a Diverse Society” conference. The event is filled with plenty of events to learn about diversity in […]


Perry turns page with play adaptation

Dear Diary, How would you feel if for 18 years you dedicated your life to a man who did nothing but take you for granted? If in the morning when you greeted him with a kiss, he greeted you with his behind to kiss. How would you feel if you […]


More blacks battling against heart disease

Heart disease kills – and it is killing more blacks than any other race. According to statistics from the American Heart Association, of blacks age 20 and older, 41.6 percent of men and 46.6 percent of women have high blood pressure. Blacks living in the United States have the highest […]


School prepares for 2005 session

President Castell Bryant and members of FAMU’s Board of Trustees stressed the importance of having FAMU’s voice heard by Florida legislators during Friday’s Board of Trustees meeting. In the past two years, FAMU has used the services of outside lobbyists and as a result has received unprecedented government funds. During […]


Gaming lands on campus

With March Madness in the atmosphere and the NBA playoffs approaching, basketball is at the forefront of attention. In the days of the great players such as Oscar Robertson and Wilt Chamberlain, all they had was a ball and a court to enjoy their true love for basketball. In these […]


One FAMU requires a collective effort

It’s unfortunate that FAMU is once again portrayed so negatively in the light of the media. Perhaps the current leadership is following the bad example of the previous lame-duck administration that blatantly ignored all the mud that was slung at the University. This institution can no longer afford to take […]