Author: John Quest


Theatre returns to black classics

Its been two years since Tallahassee Little Theatre has hosted an African-American play. But in its 53rd season, this trend has been broken with a Lorraine Hansberry’s classic, “A Raisin in the Sun.” “A Raisin in the Sun” has been a part of English and literature classes for decades. The […]


Sista, lover, look within

Sista, Lover, Look Within (pt. 3 of 3) By WISEONE …look within and you are bound to seethe inherent resolve of your ancestrythe inner force that kept us going and is still flowing through our veinsand what it is that remainscan never be explained in this language that is not […]


What I’ve learned of man and foul

I’ve seen birds try to fly againts fierce tempest wind And bathers who struggle against a rip tide I’ll now cease to speak, though I don’t rescind; My silence is till passions don’t override.


Death of Mr. Lowman

I’m trapped in another man’s bodyforced to watch us wither awayin this world’s warped reality.We sleepwalk, wandering aimlesslylike a zombie.We’re chained by our heart,these shackles weigh heavy on our dreams.His face is filled with anger because of my desperate screams.It sickens me that he forces himself to smileto make you […]


May I please

I watch you catapulting past my eyes in a jasmine sculpted sun-kissed skyline moving with cosmic configurations I stalk with hesitation but I’m so attracted it births no description for your beauty is… I’d love to greet you with such honor but for words to come into sound I’d simply […]


Racist prank is bad humor

While the nation’s military engages in action abroad and Americans struggle to get back to some semblance of a daily routine, one time-tested routine seems to never take a day off. That routine is racism. The routine of racism manifested itself most recently on Auburn University’s campus at a Halloween […]


Plane crashes in New York

NEW YORK – An American Airlines jetliner bound for the Dominican Republic from New York with 260 people aboard plunged into a seaside neighborhood moments after takeoff Monday morning, tormenting an already grieving city, raising fears of another terrorist act and again rattling the shaken airline industry. The cause of […]


Diversity in dating includes dark-skinned

People who have reasons that do not support interracial dating are looked at as “haters.” But for me, interracial dating is not the problem. The problem is the reaoning behind why people do it. I usually think of diversity, experimenting, generalizing, cultural differences and exclusivity when I think of dating […]


Poor faculty attendance plagues students

According to students, professors not showing up to class is a common occurrence on campus, with the highest number of complaints directed at the College of Arts and Sciences. Alison Gaines, 19, a junior elementary education student from Atlanta, said she took a history course where the professor only showed […]


Citizens favor peaceful solution to war

As a Vietnam veteran long active in Tallahassee’s social justice circles, Tom Baxter demonstrated locally in the 1980’s against South Africa’s apartheid government and the funding of Contra troops in Nicaragua. Polls show most Americans support military action as a response to the Sept. 11 attacks in Washington and New […]