Author: Marcus Joseph


Workers to Finish Gaines Street Construction Soon

Road roads, and constant traffic delays and detours on Gaines Street may be worth the hassle for Tallahassee drivers. Construction, underway since 2009, block the north side of Gaines Street and have created a one-lane, one-way westbound road between Duval Street and Railroad Avenue. The route has allowed for construction […]


New Poll: Gov. Scott’s Approval Still Low

Gov. Rick Scott remains largely unpopular among Florida residents, according to a new poll by Public Policy Polling. In January, following the gubernatorial inauguration a Gallup Poll revealed that 22 percent of Floridians were happy with the job the governor was doing  just weeks after his swearing-in ceremony. The […]


Construction Resumes at Florida A&M’s DRS

Construction to the new athletic complex at Florida A&M’s Developmental Research School resumes after months of delay. The FAMUAN reported earlier that construction to FAMU DRS was stopped last year due to a lack of funding, resulting in 30 vacant lots for several months. Ira Reynolds, FAMU DRS’ athletic director […]


FAMU Superintendent Search Continues

Florida A&M Developmental Research School is nearing the end of its search for a superintendent. Four candidates are left standing after going through a seven-month selection process. Beginning last September, candidates submitted their application and began the process. Search Committee Chairwoman Gwendolyn Trotter explained that the applicants went through an […]


FAMUAN Staff’s Favorite Books

Some people say college students don’t read enough outside the “required-reading texts” for their classes. We’re here to prove them wrong. This list features each FAMUAN editor’s favorites books and/or series. Do you have a favorite? Post it in the comments. *Opinions: Not a Day Goes By: E. Lynn Harris […]


Activists Preach Safe Sex at HIV/AIDS Events

An assortment of condoms, dental dams and dildos were sprawled in front of two guest speakers in the lecture hall of the Meek-Eaton Black Archives building. Wednesday night, PUSH Productions held its final event in honor of women’s history month: “One Night Stand for HIV/AIDS.” Guest speakers included Jason Panda […]


FAMU Students: Get Your Say on Restructuring before It’s Too Late

Time is running out for Florida A&M students to comment on President James Ammons’ restructuring proposal. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and other stakeholders have until 5 p.m. Friday to send comments and concerns regarding Ammons’ plan to reshape Florida A&M University by closing or merging low productivity programs and trimming […]


College of Arts and Sciences Honors Distinguished Alumni

In 1987, Florida A&M desired to honor the achievements of its graduates. As part of the Centennial Celebration, the College of Arts and Sciences unveiled four Galleries of Distinction. The galleries are tributes to graduates who have made significant contributions in their disciplines, organizations and communities at the local, national […]


In the Capitol this week: Pro-Business and Retirement Fund Bills

It was a relatively lax week in legislative chambers in Tallahassee, as state lawmakers debate bills and amendments up for consideration in the 2011 Florida Legislative Session.   Gov. Rick Scott created the Statewide Drug Trafficking Strike Force. “I applaud Governor Scott’s vision for a comprehensive statewide strategy to address […]


FAMUAN April Fool’s Day Jokes

FAMUAN April’s Fools Day Jokes: Opinions: I was in high school and I had come home with my report card. My mom is a stickler for good grades so I figured I’d freak her out. I cried and made up a sob story about how I got all F’s and […]