Author: Qunay Marshall


Bank presents home-buying workshop

The First Commerce Credit Union held a free home-buying workshop over the weekend to help prepare first-time buyers with the buying process. Starting at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning, Tallahassee residents received a breakdown of what to do when buying a home. All chairs were filled, and doughnuts, coffee and other […]


Turn down

It only takes one, single loud noise to damage the ears permanently. According the National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders, more than 26 million Americans have hearing loss that may have been caused by exposure to loud noises. This growing public health concern is termed noise-induced hearing loss. Chris […]


Student spring break destinations

For most college students, March only means one thing — spring break. With so many vacation options, students find themselves confused about where to vacation. Puerto Rico, South Beach, and Panama City Beach are among the many hot spots for spring break 2014. According to the website for the travel […]


Panel discusses African-American males, stand your ground

Florida A&M faculty, staff and students gathered in Perry Paige Auditorium on Wednesday for a panel discussion and presentation for “Maafa Day.” Wednesday’s date was chosen because Feb. 26 marks two years since the death of Trayvon Martin. Seward Hamilton, an assistant professor of psychology, organized the event, where panelists […]


Computer skills vital in job market, experts say

For people looking for a job in today’s market, a nice suit and tie aren’t the only things they will need. According to Alisia Harriel, a senior business administration student from Stuart, Fla., it is mandatory for all School of Business and Industry students to partake in a course that prepares them […]


Entertainers need to accept more social responsibility

Rick Ross has put his designer clad foot in his mouth once again. In his new song,“BLK & WHT,” he compares the death of Trayvon Martin to his achievements in life: “Trayvon Martin, I’m never missing my target B—-h n—as hating, tell me it’s what I’m parkin Wingstop owner, lemon […]


StarMetro delivers ‘stuffed bus’ to Second Harvest

StarMetro delivered more than 3,000 pounds of food to Second Harvest as a result of its “Stuff the Bus” campaign today. A StarMetro bus drove the donated food to Second Harvest,where volunteers unloaded the food into two containers for employees to store the food in the warehouse. Patricia Day, community […]


Military cuts would do more harm than good

In 2014, a time one would think our country would attempt to keep more men in uniform, major cutbacks are being discussed. According to an article on, during the latest press conference at the Pentagon, President Barack Obama and the secretary of defense have both expressed plans to shrink […]


Chamber of Commerce and SBDC to host free accounting, tax workshop

The Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Development Center at Florida A&M are hosting a free one-day accounting and tax strategies workshop for businesses on Thursday. Business owners will learn accounting strategies, budgeting tips and ways to maximize their tax deductions. “The goal is to help businesses outline how they […]


Cascades Park to open March 14

The 25-acre storm water project is set to open March 14, according to the program manager of Blueprint 2000. Cascades Park, which David Snyder calls a cleverly disguised, urban, world-class park on top of a storm water project to take care of a drainage issue that the city was having […]