Author: Adrianne Horton


Pregnancy, STDs flourish among teens

In Florida, for every 1,000 young women, 57.3 are likely to become teen mothers. According to, Florida ranks fourth in adolescent births and women 19 years old or younger have 20 percent of the state’s births. Based on the Department of Health’s data, the 15-29 age group has the […]


STDs run rampant, anyone can be affected

On Friday, Student Health Services Director Shankar A. Shetty, M.D., released the number of sexually transmitted disease cases that the university has had from May of 2001 to January of this year. During this time, there have been 45 cases of chlamydia,the most common STD in the United States. Chlamydia […]


Knowledge proves powerful when purchasing new car

Buying a used car is not as risky an endeavor as it once was. Significant improvements in design, construction and reliability have pushed the used-car business to the forefront of the automotive industry. Although auto tampering and manipulated owner histories have not been eliminated from the car-buying experience, there are […]


Women can get along despite the rumors

I read an article that discussed the female/female relationships among black women. There was some truth in the article, but then again there were a lot of generalizations. Like when the author described females as being “needy, clingy, over emotional cowards.” Come on, all women aren’t like that. All of […]


First Amendment right taken from yearbook

I was disheartened to read of Florida A&M Interim President Henry Lewis’s censorship of university students recently. The president has withheld distribution of the campus yearbook, allegedly because of grammatical errors. The book also contains an article by the editor complaining of $10,000 missing from the publication’s campus account, according […]


Lewis dispels student rumors, summer sessions to offer courses

Despite ongoing rumors, Interim President Lewis said all three summer sessions will continue as planned and students will even play a role in deciding which courses will be offered. Lewis addressed allegations that the university would not have summer sessions at the first meeting of the board of trustees this […]


Lighting up in restaurants may be banned

Smoke Free for Health Coalition, a state organization, is circulating a petition in an effort to introduce a bill to legislators that would ban smoking in all Florida bars and restaurants. The petition must be signed by more than 400,000 people before it can be officially placed on the ballot […]


International Bible gets word makeover

It was bound to happen: the world’s most printed and translated book is getting a more politically correct version. On Monday, The International Bible Society stated that America’s best-selling modern Bible, the New International Version, is about to get a makeover using “gender-neutral wording.” Despite the controversy surrounding the idea, […]


Rattlers strike, get revenge on Hawks

Home is a good place for payback. After getting blown away by 31 points in early December at Maryland Eastern-Shore, FAMU struck back at Gaither Gym Monday night, beating the Hawks 73-61. The offensive balance displayed in recent home outings continued for the Rattlers, as five players scored in double […]


Racial, economic inequalities still exist in America

During her 226 years, America has done a wonderful job of oppressing, enslaving and even annihilating groups of people. This country has a knack for clouding our judgment, making it seem like it was in the country’s best interest, or that nothing ever happened. One of the great present-day hoaxes […]