

Campus Notes

Adopt-A-Grandparent The FAMU Chapter of Adopt-A-Grandparent will be holding their last interest meeting of the semester at 7 p.m. on March 26 in Jackson Davis room 305. For more information, contact Rashonda Rosier at 385-0382 or Nicole Symmonds at 350-0320 or email them at Helping Hands Mentoring Program If […]


Dead Presidents & the Enslaved part 2

With the faces of slave mastersthat “gang-green” takesour lost seeds, andthose who can’t see thatits beauty is really pestilencestealing African identity.Causing jealousy,selfishness and greed.Shown in symptoms of materialism, whiledistorting truth by robbing wisdom.Bringing souls to its knees. Without nourishment even the soul becomes weakand fades away.Leaving bodies,walking corpseswith no purposebut […]


Black Consciousness

Black ConsciousnessBy Mark T. Moore Creative Soul Force – the elements of spirtuality that create cultural mechanisms that enable African-Americans to transform reality though Black culture. Resistant Soul force- The power to create those homes and constraints that enforces values that reinforce human oppression. Power to create, transform those homes […]


Love your car like your body

Cars are just like bodies. When people take proper care of their cars, their cars will inevitably take care of them. “If you don’t drink and you don’t smoke, your body will keep up with you. The same is true for your car,” said Bob Sullivan, the owner of Bob’s […]


Convicted felons denied right to vote by Senate

The effort to restore voting rights to convicted felons has once again failed. After going before the Senate the last two years, the proposed bills still remain buried in committee.During last year’s legislative session, the Senate and House were rumored to be negotiating a proposal to restore voting rights to […]


News Briefs

State House approves tax reformThe House committee approved a tax reform supported by business interests.The House Fiscal Policy and Resource Committee led by Rep. Rob Wallace, R-Tampa, passed a bill creating a Sales Tax Exemption Study Commission. The committee is designed to study each tax exemption for the next three […]


Diabetes rate soars among young people

Almost 16 million Americans have it. It’s the seventh leading cause of death among Americans. And 2,200 new cases of it are diagnosed every day in the United States. It’s not cancer. It’s diabetes. Diabetes spreads among young people Diabetes, stereotyped as a disease that mostly affects elderly persons, is […]


Lewis accepts settlement check from Adams Mark

As a result of discriminatory acts against blacks who attended the Black College Reunion ’99, Florida A&M University has $250,000 more to give away to its students for scholarships and internships. State Attorney General Bob Butterworth presented FAMU Interim President Henry Lewis III with a $250,000 check at a March […]


copyright permission

I am a copyright coordinator with Xanedu, a publisher of college course packets. I am seeking to obtain copyright permission from this newspaper and need contact information so that we can send a request via fax or e-mail. Thank you for giving this your time and attention. Bill Samara



Hi Famuan, This letter is NOT for publication. I’m trying to find out the name and email addresses and/or phone numbers for the editor in chief and adviser. Can you email the info to me? Thanks! Ingrid (Middleton) Patrick, Newspaper Journalism, 1996