Author: Crishana D. Mitchell


I’m In Love

When the day breaks And the stillness of the night Leaves nothing but you in my arms… I’m in Love When morning peaks its rays Underneath the window seal To sparkle a smile in your eye… I’m in Love That moment when A sudden burst of wind Chills the warm […]


Diet pills produce real, hazardous side effects

High blood pressure, fatigue, mental depression, dizziness, hypertension, headaches and weight loss are some of the side effects of one of the most popular drugs of today-diet pills. Diet pills are stimulants that enhance and speed up your metabolic rate. The active ingredient in most diet pills is ephedrine, which […]


Smoking frenzy dominates youth

Senior business administration student Noah Lewis started smoking when he was 16. “I was just curious. I guess that’s why I started. I wanted to experience something new,” Lewis said. Matt Jones, spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, said the teenage population of smokers is […]


Stress, depression go hand-in-hand

Maintaining a high grade point average, staying involved in extra-curricular activities, working, having a social life and being away from home can become a strain. This strain causes many students to say they are too stressed or depressed. “I have always been in control of things, and for the first […]


Watch your back…

Many students experience back pains from lifting heavy objects, carrying backpacks and stress. Understanding the causes, knowing the cost and seeking cures are all steps to getting rid of back pains. Princess Davis, 20, a business administration student from Daytona Beach, said “The main causes of my back pains are […]


Pollen index worsens symptoms of allergies

With Tallahassee’s high pollen index, students with allergies are constantly running to the clinic to get treated. “The pollen index is so high because of the large amount of trees and flowers in the city,” said Shankar Shetty, medical director of Florida A&M University Student Health Clinic. “The different types […]


Sickle cell anemia hits 1 in 500 blacks

According to the American Sickle Cell Anemia Association, sickle cell anemia is common among blacks. In this country, one in every 500 black babies is born with the disease and one in 12 carry the sickle cell trait. “African Americans should particularly be cautious of this disease because it is […]


Sports Injury Vocabulary

Sports related injuries Most sports related injuries are caused by either trauma or overuse of muscles or joints According to the Rothman Institute at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, athletic injuries occur most frequently in knee, shoulder and elbow joints; 55 percent of sports injuries occur in the knee 20 percent […]


All about your feet…

Attending the university that sits on the highest of seven hills in Tallahassee doesn’t require students to wear the highest heels. Fashion over comfort has been an issue for many generations. Some students feel that it is O.K. to increase the chances of having pain for the sake of keeping […]


New habits improve health conditions

Who has the time or the money to go to school, work, eat healthy and exercise regularly? It’s literally impossible. Unless your middle name is Palm Pilot, it’s impossible to even schedule it and sleep too. So this is for those people who aren’t built like Halle Berry but don’t […]