Author: Tiffany Harris


FAMU brings “United Force” to campus through collegiate ministry

There were about twenty people that attended the Friday night United Force Bible Study in B.L Perry. United Force Bible study is a college ministry that is a part of Commissioned 2 Love Church. “It’s not about the numbers, it’s about a personal relationship with God,” said Ceteria Polite, […]


Candidates for Vice President of Student Affairs to visit FAMU campus

The race for vice president of Student Affairs is almost at the finish line. “We originally started with 80 applicants, then we narrowed it down to eleven and now we have our top three,” said Breyon Love, student body vice president. The dates have been selected for the three finalists to […]


FAMU’s Speech and Debate Team competes at TCC tournament

Florida A&M University’s Speech and Debate team is working hard to prepare for
it’s next competition at Tallahassee Community College October 21-23. 
Unbeknownst to many people, FAMU began a Speech and Debate team three years ago. 
The Speech and Debate team has competed in two states under the American
Forensics Association. […]


Is this what we really wanted for our now cancelled homecoming concert?

The spirit-filled Homecoming week usually culminates in the annual SGA Homecoming Concert —but not this year. Though no official explanation has been given concerning the blank space on the homecoming itinerary where the student-funded concert should be, 2010 is as good a time as any to fill that void with […]


HBCUs failing in financial aid accountability

Historically black colleges and universitieshave been the cornerstone in black education since the founding of the first HBCU, Cheney University, in Pennsylvania in 1837. Because of the prevalence of black colleges, black youth get the opportunity to attend institutions of higher learning with those who look like them. However, HBCUs […]


Sunshine Manor screens students for depression

Occasionally, everyone has “one of those days,” when everything seems to go wrong and nothing can make it better. When a day turns into weeks and even months, however, this could be a sign of depression. Depression is a common but serious illness that no one should have to […]


University receives federal stimulus funds

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke selected Florida A&M as a recipient for a $1.5 million award to increase broadband internet access that will be used to create a Center for Public Computing and Workforce Development. The award, one of 14 in the nation, is designed to help bridge the […]


Co-op supports local growers

Students looking for a grocery shopping alternative featuring organic foods and local produce can find environmentally conscious food co-operation within walking distance from Florida A&M’s campus. The cooperative is located on 915 Park Ave right down the hill behind the tech building. Bread and Roses recently moved from their old […]


Students walk to fight against child trafficking

On Thursday, after a week of events, the second annual Stop Child Trafficking Now Walk will be held at Lake Ella, in Tallahassee at 6 p.m. Child Trafficking is “the recruitment, smuggling, transporting, harboring, buying or selling of a child through force, threats, fraud, deception, or coercion for the purposes […]


Student concert a mystery for homecoming itinerary

Students reading over the homecoming itinerary might be in for a surprise this year in the form of a blank space where the FAMU student concert is normally scheduled. Student government officials have yet to announce an official cancellation, but the traditional event is not listed on the 2010 homecoming […]