Author: Kaye Dallas


Policy should ‘ease’ nation’s internal divide

Affirmative action is the nation’s most ambitious attempt to redress its long history of racial and sexual discrimination. But these days it seems to incite, rather than ease, the nation’s internal divisions. Born of the civil rights movement more than three decades ago, affirmative action calls for minorities and women […]


Nationwide march unites students

Reminiscent of the efforts of young black students during the times of segregation, students from historically black colleges and universities across the country united in protest Tuesday. Students journeyed to Washington from their respective homes to speak out against the University of Michigan case on affirmative action at the U.S. […]


Restaurant offers good food at expensive prices

Tommy D’s offers a tasty alternative to the everyday lunch menu of burgers and fries. When it comes to those lunchtime cravings, Tommy D’s shrimp, fries and kabobs, will leave your stomach satisfied. Located at 625 W. Tennessee St., Tommy D’s, which made its grand debut in October 2002, is […]


Dancers bring force to ‘Another Bad Creation’

The Strikers Dance Troupe and Mahogany Dance Theatre present “Another Bad Creation,” their annual Spring Excursion. The showcase is April 4 and 5 at 8 p.m. in Lee Hall Auditorium. Established in 1989 with only 10 members, the Strikers have gained nationwide recognition. They have performed on MTV’s Spring Break […]


Lack of diversity on Supreme Court proves need for affirmative action

The Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday regarding two cases against the University of Michigan and its admissions policies. The issues: affirmative action, diversity, equal opportunity and integration. Irony loomed in the courtroom as the exact issues seemed to plague the superior judicial establishment. The Supreme Court is made up of […]


Class teaches more than just driving

Students looking for an interesting class to take this summer may want to consider signing up for driver’s education. Harvey LaCount, the instructor for FAMU’s driver and traffic safety class, said the course isn’t the typical driver’s education class from high school. “I know all of you can drive,” LaCount […]


FSU reschedules Parents’ Weekend

Florida State University rescheduled its 2003 Parents’ Weekend after discovering that FAMU had already made arrangements to hold its Homecoming on the same weekend. FSU officials originally planned to hold the annual event the weekend of Oct. 25 and 26. But FAMU is scheduled to host Norfolk State University for […]


Only love drives out hate

While studying in the library a few weeks ago, I overheard a conversation between two of my classmates. They were discussing how the “Mexican” construction workers outside the library were taking jobs away from black people. I gradually eased myself into the conversation and told them, among other things, that […]


Supreme Court decision impacts many

The Supreme Court heard verbal arguments about the constitutionality of the University of Michigan’s admissions policy Tuesday. The Ann Arbor school is under legal fire after a number of white students who were denied admission to the school filed a class action suit against the university. They claim they were […]