Author: Kevin Fair


Move to I-A Signals Progress

Last year I wrote an article for the Famuan on the possibility of FAMU athletic moving to Division I-A. The overwhelming response from several members of the athletic department, which at the time was run by Ken Riley, was the department did not have the money to run a I-A […]


Knowledge is power

Lesson No. 1 – It is not wise to speak on a subject that you don’t have any knowledge of. Not only does it make you appear uneducated, but it also reflects a lack of common sense.It amazes me how people are so quick to jump to conclusions before fully […]


Financial Aid Forgets Customer Service

There is still a great deal of work to be done at Florida A&M University. It seems the appetite for providing students with quality customer service is diminishing, especially in the financial aid office. As a student who uses this department frequently, I can attest to the fact that the […]


Welcome to Class

Many students choose fraternities or sororities based on family legacy or on the perception of the organization’s reputation. After becoming members, or prospective members, they may learn more about the organization, but only a few know the historical significance of black Greek organizations as a whole. Perhaps this is due […]


Bardowell Floats On Top

When nobody else wanted to or could not do the long distance events, she stepped in and filled the void for the team. She is a force to be reckoned with when she practices and will be a continued addition of stability to the swim team. For Melissa Bardowell, 20, […]


Living with the White Race

I have to set the record straight. Even though I oppose many European practices, I do not hate them. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t have this burning sensation of white hate inside my soul that is driving me to seek knowledge about my history, my present and my future. […]


FAMU Shows Favoritism

Somebody needs to tell FAMU’s “Marching 100” that they are not God’s gift to theworld. Better yet, I’ll tell them. “MARCHING 100,” YOU ARE NOT GOD’S GIFT TO THE WORLD!!! Saturday night, as I am arriving to the stadium to cover the football game for the students of FAMU, I […]


‘We will never forget’

As the two-year anniversary of 9/11 nears, FAMU students remember the shock, horror and disbelief that day evoked. Junior Christina Berrieum, 23, recalls turning on her TV just as the second plane struck the south tower of the World Trade Center at 10:05 a.m. “I couldn’t do anything but think […]


Senate Seeks Answers

Up to now this semester, two of the main focuses of the 33rd student senate had been confirmations for various SGA vacancies and preparing a version of House Bill 353 to present to the Board of Trustees. Due to the unresolved presidential race of last semester, vacancies had been left […]


SGA Incorporates Office of Graduate Affairs

This fall, the newest addition to the executive branch of the SGA is the office of graduate affairs, a body that will focus on handling the concerns of FAMU’s graduate student population. The office was formed at the request of graduate students who sought to have a stronger voice in […]