Author: Teandra Delancey


Students prepare for primaries

With the deadline for voter registration steadily approaching for the Presidential Preference Primary Election, clubs and organizations on campus have begun increasing their efforts to register as many students as possible before next Monday’s deadline. “[The 33rd Student Senate has] had several voter registration drives, in which we have focused […]


Iraqi blast claims alumnus

Memorial services where held Saturday at Miami’s Ebenezer United Methodist Church for the first FAMU alumnus killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, Sgt. Edmond L. Randle Jr., 26, was killed on Jan. 17 while conducting a surveillance sweep north of Baghdad. Randle, along with […]


Integration Statute at Florida State University

The Florida State University is to be congratulated for erecting the “Integration Statue” (FSView/Flambeau, 1/29/04-2/1/04). And the three representatives of that era are to be commended for their perseverance and excellent achievements. Now, it’s time for FSU to dismantle the “Legacy” admissions criterion which is a vestige of racism. Specifically, […]


Voting in Florida 2004

FRANK(LY) SPEAKING DR. J. ALVA SCRUGGSOR LETTER TO EDITOR 1804 MAYFAIR DRIVE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32303 PHONE&FAX (850)385-5750 E-MAIL JSCRU5750@AOL.COM Website : NO AMERICANS CANNOT “JUST GET OVER IT /ELECTION 2000” I was listening to CSPAN (December 2004) again today. A caller, who identified themselves as Republican. was saying that […]


Nature punch

Water (wo’ter) n. A clear, colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid, H2O, essential for most plants and animal life. Water is the magic, yet forgotten nutrient. Water is not included in the Food Guide Pyramid, however that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. It provides no calories for energy, but it is […]


On this Day in Sports

Golf 1949: Early one hazy Texas morning, Ben Hogan almost died when a Greyhound bus collided with his car. When it became clear a crash is unavoidable, Hogan heroically threw himself in front of his wife Valerie, who was in the passenger’s seat. Ironically, the engine was tossed back in […]


Limbo: Rattlers still waiting for answers to I-A move

After seven months of keeping alumni, boosters, students, faculty, staff and Rattler fans in limbo, FAMU administration has finally decided to address the proposed move to Division I-A – in the Tallahassee Democrat. According to the Tallahassee Democrat, President Fred Gainous sent an e-mail to trustees Thursday asking them to […]


‘Blueprint’ team fails to produce

Why are the same issues plaguing our campus every year, every semester, every week, every day? Because there is no accountability, that’s why. Due to the occurrence of the same issues and situations, one would think that change will soon come, or at least be around the corner. But I […]


Make future plans now

Do you really know where you are going with your life? Among all the students on FAMU’s campus, I have found one fundamental tie that seems to bind all of the students on this campus: no one really has a clue about what they want to do in life. Are […]


College Hill and BET’s responsibility to Black Viewers

Megan Ain Malachi/Johnson C. Smith University While scanning channels trying to find something to watch on televison, I am always amazed at the amount of substandard slapstick comedies that are geared towards Black viewers. Ironically, BET(Black Entertainment Television), is one of the worst offenders. In the past five years BET […]