Author: Ashley Bates


Ceremony requires ticket

Tickets are required to attend the first graduation ceremony on May 3, where former President Bill Clinton will be the guest speaker. The graduates affected by this rule are students of the College of Arts and Sciences, The School of Architecture, The Environmental Science Institute, and The College of Law. […]


Earth Day sparks initiatives

As Earth Day approaches, national, state and local organizations are taking action to support a safer and healthier environment. Gov. Charlie Crist along with 1,000 students will celebrate April 22 at the Capitol. Established in 1970, Earth Day’s mission is to unite the world toward a common cause of environmental […]


Green fees for university in works

The Senate Higher Education Committee in Florida may approve a bill that will allow public universities in the state to charge green fees. Green fees are funds that students vote for and then decide how they will be spent on projects that promote environmental sustainability. Examples include placing solar panels […]


Some faculty feel FAMU’s new policy is arbitrary

Florida A&M University is one the most prestigious Historically Black Universities of today. Within the past few years, like many institutions, it has experienced some problems. Despite what some may call a lack of poor administration, the university has continued to strive for superiority. According to an article on, […]


Arabian man marries 8-year-old

In recent news, a 47-year-old Saudi Arabian man married an 8-year-old girl. According to the lawyer, the little girl’s father arranged the marriage in order to settle his debts with the man, who is “a close friend” of his. The judge did ask for a pledge from the husband, who […]


Budget cuts prompt merger talk

Florida State University is considering a dual program with Florida A&M University as the school may face a possible 21-program elimination due to proposed budget cuts for the next fiscal year. FSU’s Provost Lawrence Abele, said no final decisions have been made on whether the university would cut any programs […]


Jacquette gets 22 months

Christopher Jacquette was sentenced Thursday to 22 months’ imprisonment for his actions in the Florida A&M University grade change scandal. U.S. Attorney Thomas F. Kirwin announced the sentence of Jacquette, 29, of Tallahassee, for aggravated identity theft, unauthorized access of a protected computer, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud and unauthorized […]


Internet hurts newspapers

With a new digital age where news can be accessed through a phone, the black and white dailies are losing readership and moving to the Internet.                 Some papers may have to make the tough decision of budget cuts and newspapers are feeling the crisis. The San […]


The Fang bitten by financial crunch

The university’s handbook/code of conduct, FANG, will only be available online beginning with the 2009-2010 edition.             This is the second step in FAMU’s goal to become a paperless university, according to Henry Kirby, associate vice president of the Division of Student Affairs and dean of students. The […]


Childish movie fails to impress

Well it’s almost summertime, and with summer comes big name, blockbuster movies.  These movies always have at least one big name celebrity attached to them, and it’s hard to go 20 minutes without seeing a commercial for it. “Observe and Report” is the first of these big name releases, featuring […]