Author: Akeem Anderson


Defeat keeps Rattlers at bay in conference

At the beginning of the season, the University’s men’s basketball team trumpeted its desire to bring a conference championship to Tallahassee. Instead it will have to settle for a second place spot and a flawless performance in the MEAC tournament. The Rattlers’ hopes were dashed Saturday night as they fell […]


FAMU Votes: SGA President Voter’s Guide

Monique Gillum, 20, a junior political science student from Gainesville is a candidate for the position of Florida A&M University’s student body president for the 2007-2008 school year. James Bland, 21, a junior business administration student from Titusville, Florida, is running with Gillum as FAMU’s student body vice president. Together […]


University deals with problem of vandalism on school property

FAMU has seen a resurgence of vandalism with as many as seven new cases since the beginning of the school year and four in February alone. “It makes our school look like there is no control,” said Angelene Tennyson. “It’s immature and childish.” Tennyson, 19, a sophomore criminal justice student […]


A call to action

Solutions, not problems, in the black community were the focus of the Second Annual State of the Black Student Summit held Friday in Gaither Gymnasium. “Too many people are focused on the problems,” said Kevin Powell, author of “Who’s Gonna Take the Weight? Manhood, Race and Power in America.” “We […]


University program receives new funds

The FAMU Pre-K Primary Education Program, which in recent years was granted degree status, has been issued a new program through funds from the Florida Legislature. “We’re trying to inform students that FAMU has a program recently approved by the state,” said Gwendolyn Dixon, associate professor in early child elementary […]


Rap gets ridiculed in survey

A recent survey showed that black Americans who listen to today’s rap music feel the videos are too violent, degrading and set blacks back many years. The Black Youth Project, the name of the survey given by researchers, found that 58 percent of black youths ages 15-25 said they listen […]


School names buildings

Pioneers, trailblazers and alumni were honored Friday for their many contributions to FAMU after four University buildings were named after them. Everyone who had a building named after them contributed in some way to these programs. Walter Smith, alumnus and former FAMU president, was honored in front of numerous spectators […]


Energy drinks present health risks for students

Many students struggle with juggling school and work loads. While some students cope with their lifestyle through old-fashioned all-nighters, others turn to the latest energy-supplying product, energy drinks. Although energy drinks provide fuel, the reliance on these drinks may have its share of side effects. ACNeilsen, an international marketing research […]


Experts say heavy book bags are unhealthy if worn for too long

Throughout recent years, students have fallen victim to back pain caused by backpacks. With students sometimes taking as many as six classes, transporting their books from class to class can be a hassle. “There are an increasing number of students with back pain,” Dr. John Van Tassel said. “Students should […]


Students cope with symptoms of cold, flu

Since medical professionals have not found a cure yet for colds and flu, prevention is the only option in fighting off symptoms of the flu and for helping it to keep from spreading. Wallace Kelley, a registered nurse and an infection control practitioner at the Operations of Infection Control facility […]