Author: Brent Hatchett


Men, women agree: nice cars get attention

Some women Rattlers on “The Hill” say a man can look attractive and have a good personality, but without a nice means of transportation, starting a relationship could be difficult. Brittany Barriner, 19, a freshmen general studies student from Lakeland, said she would not date a guy without a car. […]


Being saved means not having sex before marriage

I didn’t kiss my girlfriend for six months. Even though kissing is a great way to express how you feel to your significant other, it is the gateway to other temptations. A kiss here, a feel on the chest there, a slap on the butt here, and the next thing […]


Professor dies rock climbing

FAMU faculty and students were shocked and saddened to hear about the death of fellow Rattler and School of Business and Industry professor Kenneth Gray. On Saturday evening, Gray suffered an apparent heart attack while serving as the lead climber on a rock-climbing excursion in Tennessee. However, the exact cause […]


Orange Room opens safe after flood

Officials in charge of the Orange Room said the diner is operating in compliance with all of its inspections and that students who regularly stop in for lunch should not be worried about a flood incident that occurred Tuesday. Terry L. Woodard, general manager of dining services, in an e-mail […]


Students protest school’s failure to display courses

Several students went to the provost’s office Friday to protest the lack of upper level courses in the College of Arts and Sciences available for the summer term and the unreleased summer budget. After four previous unsuccessful visits to the provost’s office, students decided they were going to gather until […]


Campus unites for annual Relay for Life fundraiser

Volunteers, student organizations and cancer survivors were among the many supporters who participated in the fifth annual Florida A&M University Relay for Life campaign, an overnight fundraising event that helped raise $32,000 for the American Cancer Society’s fight against cancer. The 18-hour event, sponsored by the Student Government Association and […]


Summer class budgets posted

Top administrators have released the 2007 summer budgets of the various colleges and schools on campus, after much outcry from students and faculty. In response to the delayed budget, in a March 20 meeting the Faculty Senate voted unanimously to ask the president and provost to immediately offer the same […]


Racist Asian is unaware

Why it is every time I turn around some type of racist statement is being written or said about black people? If it is not white college students making fun of Black people by portraying stereotypes on Halloween, then it is people like Michael Richards who go on a racist […]


5 Fast Facts: FAMU’s Finances

1. 1997: The state threatened to decertify the FAMU Boosters because the fundraising group failed to give audited financial statements to the state for two years. 2. 1997: A number of adjunct professors went without pay for several weeks because the school had overspent its $1-million adjunct faculty budget by […]


Let vengeful death warn all ‘in love’

Breaking up with someone is never an easy thing to go through. But who ever thinks one can lose his or her life when calling it quits? Tynesha Stewart, a freshman at Texas A&M University, probably didn’t think her ex-boyfriend would strangle her to death when she broke up with […]