Author: Katrelle Simmons


Show me the ‘real’ you before I fall deep

It happens to the best of us. We meet someone, think he is one way, then lo and behold, after a couple of months and feelings get involved he turns out to be the total opposite. And by that time, we have learned to like the person we initially met, […]


Weed legalization a slippery slope

It looks like the battle to keep marijuana out of the hands of the American public has reached another stumbling block. Recently New Mexico OK’d the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. While a noble idea, it won’t be as successful as legislators might want. The law allows the use […]


Students must seek nontraditional jobs

As graduation approaches, it is important that Florida A&M University seniors have a clear plan of action for life beyond the classroom. “Blacks are more likely than any other groups to experience labor market problems,” according to a report released last June by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of […]


Basics to break into music biz

Florida A&M University is full of students interested in the entertainment industry. As a result, music leaders such as Charles Whitfield, A&R and co-founder of Hidden Beach Recordings, have visited FAMU to offer advice on how to break into the music business. Hidden Beach Recordings is home to artists such […]


Still Swinging

Tallahassee is a long way from Grand Blanc, Mich., but if it’s a trip for your one true love, it is a trip definitely worth making. Just ask Florida A&M golfer James Petty. Although the task of balancing school, sports and one’s personal lifestyle may seem difficult, the 21-year-old business […]


Cities out to steal title from go-go band

The D.C. Taliband has a modicum of publicity outside of their DC Metro supporters. But they plan to change that on Thursday, attempting to win the City vs. City Talent Showcase for the third year in a row with a sound that doesn’t gain a lot of support in the […]


Alumna is Olympic Hopeful Horse Rider

While Florida A&M alumna Shayla Wilson, from Orlando, is beginning her path to the horseback riding division of the Olympics, she stops to give thanks to FAMU and use her gift to inspire and help others.       “My life is completely upside down,” Wilson said. “I am doing everything I ever […]


Students contemplate University’s State of Fate

Monday at noon, students gathered around the eternal flame near the Orange room for a rally that the organizers are calling the “State of Fate of FAMU.” The protest challenged FAMU administration, particularly Interim President Castell Bryant, to give students answers about issues recently in the media. Kyle Washington, a […]


Reused bottles potentially hazardous

Reusing water bottles is not a healthy decision and can cause harmful bacterial infections that can set within your body and cause contamination. Fungi and bacteria can grow in damp or partially full bottles after the bottles have been opened and exposed to air. These bacteria thrive in warm, moist […]


Abstract art on campus a mystery

#8220;Patrice” is wielded together from black steel. She is an abstract representative of jazz and sits in front of the Ware-Rhaney building, but students and faculty alike have no idea who she is. “Nobody knows what it is,” said Amber Jones 21, from Melbourne. The senior health information management, or […]