Author: Augustine Rho


Teen penalized for expression

An eighth-grader from Chicago Ridge, Ill., has been suspended from school for wearing a homemade T-shirt with a drawing of two towers, an airplane and a man in traditional Arab headdress. Fourteen-year-old Ian Itani said he wore the shirt in response to taunts from his classmates. He said he wanted […]


Runoffs pose problems

Candidates in Thursday’s runoff elections have only one day to get students back out to vote. Angie Green, one of the candidates for Miss FAMU who was defeated in Tuesday’s election, said “getting people to vote the second time is tough.” “If you have a solid platform and you are […]


Athletic teams strive for excellence

Losing streak continues The baseball team (6-9) has lost four straight games. The latest loss , 7-1, came on Friday at home against Florida International University. The Rattlers will host Alabama A&M this weekend in a three-game series Friday and Saturday at Moore-Kittles Field. Woods continues to lead RattlersThe Rattlers […]


Web site offers hair-care advice

For many clients, a cosmetologist serves as a personal beautifier, counselor and confidante. Dwayne Pressley, a stylist at Illusions located on Thomasville Road, personifies these qualities Recently, Pressley officially launched his new Web site The site is a source of information for clients as well as stylists. It can […]


Spring Break Cultural Excursion

The University Honors Program will sponsor its annual Spring Break Cultural Excursion trip for faculty and students to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico March 10-14. The trip is organized to focus on cultural diversity, with hopes to broaden the horizons of the faculty and students of different institutions. Joseph […]


Test strips to detect drugs

A new device that tests for the presence of so-called “date rape” drugs in drinks is being marketed on the Internet. Florida-based Drink Safe Technology has developed a test strip that will detect the presence of such drugs as gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Rohypnol (rohies) and ketamine (special K). The new form […]


Plan lacks logic

The governor knows best. As always, Jeb Bush is right. Everything he does is correct. Refusing to let down his state, the governor has left many businesses wondering how they will survive next year. The spending plan he proposed could not be farther from excellence. It calls for $111 million […]


Libraries need filter options

You just purchased a three-day trial membership to a premiere adult Web site. You enter the site and you are immediately transformed to a kid in an eye-candy store and lose track of all space and time around you. The next day you wake up a few hours earlier than […]


Marketing focuses on attendance

Spring sports at FAMU are about to change as we know it. The FAMU Athletic Marketing Department has made strides this year to increase attendance at spring sporting events. Those sports include baseball, softball, track & field, tennis and golf. Basketball is also played during the spring semester, but is […]


ROTC saves cadets

Pentagon officials have said that with the National Guard and reserves to complement active personnel, they have more than enough troops to fight a war against Iraq However, should America’s draft program be reenacted, FAMU’s ROTC cadets may be the safest people on campus. Maj. Willie Jackson said FAMU’s 120 […]