

U.S. policy ignores Haitian plight

Imagine taking a 10-day trip with only salt water and hope to sustain your body. For Haitians, this is a daily quest met with less than desirable results. Two weeks ago more than 200 Haitian immigrants packed on a 50-foot sloop and made that journey in search of freedom to […]


Early sexual activity ruins children’s mindset

They’re on Oprah, Montel and Ricki Lake. They’re being written about in magazines and reported on in The Journal of Modern Medicine. They aren’t celebrities, or sports stars, they are kids, and they are being brought to national attention not because of their academic achievements but because they can’t seem […]


‘8 mile’ travels down highway of mediocrity

#8220;8 Mile” is full of every music movie cliché one can think of: the poor rapper with the big dreams of fame; the missing father; the cute little sibling; the pretty girl; the interracial crew and the crosstown rivals and the copout ending. Imagine “Saturday Night Fever” meets “Purple Rain” […]


Ceramics become popular pastime

Ceramics has always been an outlet for senior citizens to have fun. It seems the days for bingo and checkers are out. Tommie Stroy, 74, from Jacksonville, has been making ceramics for years. “I find ceramics to be a way of filling up time that I would spend watching television […]


Mahogany brings rhythm, dance

The assistant artistic director slowly claps off counts five, six ,seven, eight and 12 arms gracefully bend in unison. Intense piano music fills the ear, emotion fills the room and fire fills their eyes. There are only six days left until its “Fall Premiere” and Mahogany Dance Theatre is putting […]


Roll call reads ridiculous

Forcing students to come to class in one breath and calling them adults with another is not only a paradox, but a blatant violation of educational freedom. The university attendance policy mandates that after the third absence, teachers drop students from their classes and give them an “F.” Not many […]


Team to face second I-A opponent

The Rattlers road to the Division I-AA playoffs will take it to Mobile, Ala. where it will meet up with Troy State, the Rattler’s second Division I-A opponent this season. The Rattlers are on a three-game winning streak since losing to Howard on Oct. 12. The team knows another loss […]


Team struggles to defeat opponent

A long sigh of relief was heard from the Florida A&M volleyball team at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday when the final whistle was blown signifying the end of their match against Jacksonville University. The Rattlerettes squeaked out a win, 32-30, 30-22, 30-28, to increase their record to 18-4 overall. In their […]


Define life with more worthwhile moments

My boy just died. His name was Jonathan Phillips, J.P. for short. He was from Miami. He lived a few doors down from me when I lived in Shaker Heights. He was killed in an accident in Miami Oct. 27. Life is short, people. All you really have is this […]


Failing to vote silences voice

I want to say thank you to the most wonderful students in the world for allowing the brother of the dumbest man in the world to be re-elected as Florida’s governor. Well done. Yeah, right. How long will it take for you people to get it through your heads that […]