

Please forwars this to Theo

I’m not actually writing a letter to the editor this time. I am only asking that you kindly forward my letter that I wrote to Mr. Wilson – becasue the emails address supplied was bad. Here is the Email I wrote to Theo Wilson: The original message was received at […]


Applicants for VP of Student Affairs narrowed to 5

After evaluating more than 50 applicants, five candidates have been selected as finalists for vice president of Student Affairs at Florida A&M. The five candidates are * Leslie Keith Bates, dean of Student Affairs at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton* William J. Bynum Jr., vice president for Student Affairs and […]


Candidate list whittled

The search for a new provost will be narrowed to three Tuesday morning at the final search committee meeting according to Search Committee Chair Margaret Lewis, dean of the School of Nursing. Candidates for the second highest office at FAMU were narrowed down from 40 to five over the semester. […]


Publix to sell treated meat

Publix, one of the top 10 supermarket chains in the United States., said it will begin selling irradiated meat products effective Jan. 1, 2003. Through the process of irradiation, bacteria such as E. coli, Campylo-bacteria, Salmonella, parasites, and fungi are lessened. According to the Food and Drug Administration, irradiation also […]


FSU athletics disgrace race

I would hate to think a university that relies so heavily on its black athletes would discriminate against black people. I’m not making any accusations, I’m just questioning the policies and actions of Florida State University . In an attempt to broaden our coverage outside FAMU sports, The Famuan requested […]


Enough propaganda

There is a new tape of Osama bin Laden being shown on every news station from CNN to ABC. This tape is supposedly proof that he is still alive and that he hates America, but they aren’t even sure that it’s him. This is the essence of propaganda. On the […]


Gov. Bush should re-evaluate tactics

Dear Jeb, What is wrong with you and your brother? Was being raised on Nazi blood money not enough? You two are so greedy, you stole history. Congratulations on being elected to enforce white supremacy in Florida for four more years. The One Florida Initiative has successfully stopped blacks from […]


Support players hit bottom

They walk onto the practice field day after day in torn jerseys and unmarked helmets. They run play after play taking hits from the first team defense. They try relentlessly to hold back the first team offense. They are the walk-ons, the true freshmen, the transfers and the hopefuls. They […]


Looks count for little in dating scheme

Don’t waste your time because he’s fine. Last weekend I got a phone call from this dude I’ve kind of known for a while. You know, that dude who is “so fine,” but has as many issues as he is fine? Yeah. That one. Anyway, this guy who I have […]


University visitation rules too strict

Hello. My name is Mary Land. I am 18 years old and I am not allowed to have boys in my room. Hi. I’m Ben Dover, a 20-year-old sophomore and my girlfriend and I have to sit in the residence hall’s lobby because ladies are prohibited from entering rooms in […]