

Expression denied

Amiri Baraka, poet laureate for the state of New Jersey, is being asked to resign his post. After being awarded a two-year term as New Jersey’s poet laureate and receiving a $10,000 stipend for the post, Baraka has been asked by Gov. James McGreevey to step down because of the […]


5 VP candidates remain

The number of candidates for the position of vice president for research has been narrowed to five. According to a university press release, President Fred Gainous said the search committee has done a great job of finding a group of extremely qualified and notable candidates. With the original number of […]


Oil spill damages Spain

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain – As a crippled tanker full of about 20 million gallons of gooey fuel oil split in two and sank two miles beneath the seething Atlantic’s surface Tuesday, experts feared the worst: Oil bubbling back to the surface that befouls Spanish and Portuguese shorelines, their fish […]


SGA seeks help from other clubs for food drive

This Thanksgiving marks the sixth annual food drive sponsored by the Student Government Association. SGA is asking clubs, organizations and individuals to donate money, which will be used to purchase food baskets from Publix. Each basket will be donated to needy families and contain a turkey, two side dishes, two […]


Response to SBI “Slave Building Incorporated”

The author of this piece was intensely critical of the philosophy of the School of Business & Industry. His assaults are not completely baseless, but I wonder the depth and involvement of his affiliation with the school. SBI like any other institution is not oblivious to criticism, but to make […]


Courts grant government intrusive powers

In a decision that will greatly expand the government’s authority to eavesdrop on Americans, a federal appeals court ruled Monday that the Justice Department has broad powers to use wiretaps and other means to combat terrorism. Monday’s decision means the government will face fewer hurdles when it seeks to listen […]


University mascot offends students

GRAND FORKS, N.D. – A group of North Dakota State University student leaders strongly opposes its biggest sports rival’s nickname and wants it changed, according to a Student Senate resolution. The resolution, authored by NDSU student Sens. Paul Yatskis, Megan Pinke and Whitney Weston, states that NDSU students are offended […]


Seek true ‘diversity’

The University of Georgia long ago rid itself of openly racist policies, and even in the redneck sectors of the student population rarely hear outright racist blather – but to be honest, the strongest link between the university and diversity is that they rhyme.In considering the University of Georgia for […]


Provost selection process nears end

Rattlers will have to wait a while longer before the top three candidates for provost are revealed. A special committee has been selected to perform thorough background checks on the finalists before presenting the names to President Gainous or releasing them to the public. “The selection will not be official […]


Low iron jeopardizes health

Female athletes need more iron than men in their daily diets to perform well, experts say. Iron is an important mineral for female athletes because it is connected to the transportation of oxygen through the bloodstream to the heart, said Kimberly Wilkins, assistant university athletic trainer. Latoya Skinner, 20, a […]