Author: Augustine Rho


Operation: Truth

Before the U.S. went to war with Iraq, Uncle Sam had to attack because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and they were going to use them on Americans. In the week this war has raged on, Uncle Sam has stopped blowing that horn. Now, the U.S. is in Iraq […]


Withholding funds violates laws

My jaw dropped in horror as I read Tracy D. Wright’s article a couple of weeks ago covering the SGA Senate meeting. Specifically, I was disturbed by the comments made by Veronica Gray, SGA solicitor general. According to the article (SGA Senate hears pleas for funding, March 21), Gray urged […]


Be Out Day offers stress relief

It’s that time again to be out and about. In celebration of Be Out Day, SGA and Kimberly-Clark Corporation will present a number of festivities to take place throughout the week. Be Out Day is an important part of FAMU’s history. It began about ten years ago when the student […]


‘Crazy-Just Crazy’

If T-Mac (Tracy McGrady) hung up his kicks, this man would be the best guard in the league. When this man hangs up his Reeboks, he will be one of the top five 2-guards that ever lived. Everyone knows his name, his killer-crossover and body art. He represents so many […]


Swahili word brings new life

The word Kuumba is more than a Swahili word for creativity. For the FAMU community it means Kuumba Fest 2003. Kuumba fest, a joint venture of Comcast cable, Showtime and FAMU, will be celebrated Tuesday on FAMU’s campus. The festival begins at 10 a.m., and will showcase some of the […]


Does Bush waste or spend “black blood?”

Theo Wilson, I enjoyed your article, “Bush wastes black blood,” and I am also displeased that minorities and poor make up a disproportionate amount of the armed forces, but you are wrong on a few points: 1) Bush isn’t fighting for oil. It will no doubt cost much more than […]


America should fear Saddam’s retaliation

Saddam Hussein never should have been bothered. He shouldn’t have been given a timeline to leave Iraq, and shouldn’t have been forced to destroy weapons. The madness upon us now, only started when our beloved President Bush was appointed to his office. I realize that in a time of war […]


Artists in Bloom Festival

function openSlideShow502(){ + 502,’selectUser’,config=’scrollbars=No,resizable=Yes’);}Click here to see a pictorial preview of the festival.


Court debates changing pledge

Legislators were back in court last week still fighting over whether the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited in public schools. Opponents of the pledge deem it unconstitutional because of the references to God. However, saying “one nation under God” isn’t unconstitutional. It’s a way for citizens to show their […]


Diverse teams make Sweet 16

ORLANDO – All four No. 1 seeds made it through to the Sweet 16, but as usual the No. 1’s will be joined by some outsiders after the first two rounds of the NCAA Tournament. For the second time in three years and the third time in five years, all […]