Author: Karen M. Thomas and Beatriz Terrazas


Female binge drinking leads to health problems

When Marie arrived at a high school party at a friend’s house more than four years ago, she planned to get drunk. Marie, then 15, turned to her favorite drink of vodka and cranberry juice. Maybe she had four drinks. Maybe she had more. She cannot remember. “I was just […]


Minorities recipients of inferior health care

WASHINGTON _ Racial and ethnic minorities generally receive lower-quality health care and less intensive diagnostic services than white patients, even when their income, insurance and medical conditions are similar, according to a new government report released Wednesday. The findings are “unacceptable” because they contribute to higher minority death rates for […]


Overview of Florida Legislature 2002

Tax Reform HJR 833-Every sales tax exemption in Florida wil be examined by a 12 member legislative panel. The review would stretch over a three year period, beginning in 2004. This has to be approved by voters in November through referendum. Exemptions could be repealed by majority vote of the […]


New class gives alternative to traditional ideas of medicine

The laments are common whenever people discuss college. “I haven’t learned any practical information,” or “I wish I had majored in something else.” Add Alice Lindeman’s new course to the list. She is an associate professor at Indiana University who just finished teaching the first semester of a three-credit course, […]


Students walk for STD awareness

A group of about 100 students stopped traffic Saturday morning, refusing to yield to ignorance on the road of awareness.   The Florida A&M University chapter of the NAACP presented its annual Walk-Aware to raise consciousness about HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Jonathan Quarles, a second-year business administration student […]


Women should support their men

I wanted to respond to the Woman’ Worth column by Ms. Daniels. For the most part, I agreed with her. However, I do believe that we should support our black men without pressing too hard on them. These are the same men who have so much weight on their shoulders […]


Students urged to know, keep campus laws

Getting students acquainted with their legal options was the objective of Thursday’s “Know Your Rights” seminar, put on by members of the Hatchett Pre-Law Society and SGA’s judicial branch as part of Law Week. The first in a series of dialogues, the Know Your Rights Seminar focused on everything from […]


Wisconsin students protest tuition increase

Tuition increase? Heck, no! Budget cuts? Heck, no! Protest? Sure, why not? Armed with plastic piggy banks, posters and plenty of opinions, about 500 students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and other colleges marched down the city streets and onto the Capitol steps Wednesday, chanting against proposals to increase tuition […]


News Briefs

Local Senate sends phone bill to Gov. BushThe bill that raises the cost of phone bills that passed the Senate Thursday is on its way to the governor’s desk.Supporters say it will lead to greater competition and lower in state long distance charges.Opponents, say there’s no guarantee customers won’t end […]


Top attorney to speak at convocation

Attorney Willie Gary will speak at this year’s Honors Convocation, recognizing undergraduates with a 3.0 or higher grade point average. Gary is the senior partner in the law firm of Gary, Williams, Parenti, Finney, Lewis, McManus, Watson and Sperando. He has been featured in The New York Times, The Boston […]