Author: Drew Brown


Target: Baghdad

OUTSIDE BAGHDAD, Iraq -U.S. troops closed to within 20 miles of Baghdad on Wednesday, punching through the remnants of Republican Guard divisions and rolling nearly within sight of Saddam Hussein’s seat of power. “The dagger is clearly pointed at the heart of the regime,” said U.S. Brigadier General Vincent Brooks. […]


Dear Editor, Please forward this to Theo. Thanx!

Here is a copy of a letter I sent to Theo’s fellow student. and I am sending you a copy: Subj: Robin, Please forward this to Theo. Thanx! Date: 4/2/2003 10:58:52 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Gww1210 To: Cc:, Gww1210 Robin K. Mizzelle at Hotmail dot com! since […]


Men’s Basketball

I have a concern about why Dr. Gainous and Bob Lee have not given Coach G an extend contract. As we all know we all have suffered thru 9 years and two bad coaching decisions Ron Brown and Coach Clayton. Coach G has the team on it’s winning ways and […]


Bryant reigns as No. 1 shooting guard in NBA

Kobe Bryant had 55 points, five rebounds, three steals and three assists in the Los Angeles Lakers’ win over Washington Friday. Bryant’s performance against the infamous Michael Jordan and the Wizards only solidifies the fact that he is the most talented shooting guard in the NBA – better than Tracy […]


McGrady truly creates magic on Orlando team

Comparing Kobe Bryant and Tracy McGrady is like asking who is more dominant: Shaq or Vin Baker? This is a no brainer. Tracy McGrady is the best shooting guard in the league and he is far better than Kobe. If Kobe Bryant is so great he would have at least […]


Ministry reaches out with dance

The Baptist Collegiate Ministry’s dancers and steppers will present Dance Explosion, an event designed to create excitement about the ministry and its fellowship on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Christian Collegiate Center next to McGuinn Hall. Dance Explosion is free of charge and will give attendees the opportunity to […]


M’Perfect Entertainment nears perfection

M’Perfect Entertainment consists of three ambitious, dedicated and focused young black men. As the wind blew in from Chicago, so did Dave J. Roberson (Dave Ro), Walter M. Williams (Walt) and Marcellus L. Womack (SupaCell), the founders and co-owners of MPerfect Entertainment. Previously known as 3 King Entertainment, M’Perfect was […]


Rattlerette displays intellect, talent

Junior Elisha Scott from Enterprise, Ala. recently transferred from Chipola Junior College in Marianna to Florida A&M University to play softball. The hardworking team player is the epitome of a student athlete. “She works really hard on and off the field,” said her sister Teresa Scott, a senior outfielder for […]


Library preserves state, local culture

Books? Pointless wastes of space. Vintage photos? Who needs them. These are the opinions of many Florida legislators who are trying to relocate the state library to Nova Southeastern University in Broward County. Of course the books should be moved. The volumes of books, vintage photos, and maps only date […]


Receiving assistance as easy as 2-1-1

The Telephone Counseling and Referral Service was recently renamed 211 Big Bend. The multi-county counseling service has changed its number to 211, but it still provides the same counseling and referral information to the Big Bend community. 211 Big Bend services a network of eight surrounding counties: Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, […]