Author: Christy Bennett


Club emphasizes importance of owning property

The Florida A&M University Real Estate Club is hosting a homeownership seminar in the Grand Ballroom April 8 at 2 p.m, with the help of the Student Government Association. The club aims to encourage students to educate themselves and to consider career paths in the real estate industry, even outside […]


Recent bomb threats increase campus security

An unknown person made a bomb threat Tuesday morning between the side entrances of the Coleman library and Jazzman’s café. Like many waiting for class, Navah Jackson was among the students who were taken by surprise that a bomb threat was made on one of the two pay phones mounted […]


Crime prevention tips from FAMU P.D.

In cooperation with the writers and staff of the FAMUAN, the Florida A&M University Department of Public Safety will be providing weekly safety and security tips. Each Monday our Crime Prevention Office will provide information on on crime prevention activities. Dorm Safety Tips The number one crime on most college […]


March Madness humbles bigheaded bracketologists

Saturday, April 1, 10:22 p.m. My boy from the “D” and assistant sports editor John Marsh sends a text message: “So uhh, about that national champion pick we made…” He was referring to how he, I and sports editor LeMont Calloway picked Louisiana State to capture the national title, mostly […]


National Public Health Week serves students on the Set

National Public Health Week 2006 on the campus of Florida A&M University will include free food, free testing and free health fairs. Presented by Future Public Health Professionals and the Student Government Office of the Surgeon General, NPHW promotes health and awareness in Leon County and surrounding areas. “Health is […]


University to become assessment institution

Florida A&M University is in the process of transitioning into an assessment institution. After being cited for not being in compliance with assessment standards during previous accreditation reviews, FAMU is getting help from the Institutional Level Assessment Committee. “This committee was established to provide leadership in the implementation of the […]


It doesn’t matter if they don’t ‘get it’; get your own

FX’s new, controversial hit TV show, “Black. White,” is meant to demonstrate that racism still exists. But let’s be honest, it’s to show white people that racism still exists. Not only does racism exist, it’s pervasive, it’s everywhere and it permeates through everything. There hasn’t been a “Black. White.” episode […]


Jail time equals big time for hip-hop artists

For some peculiar reason, jail seems to be the college degree of the rap game. Rappers are better-received and appealing to audiences after sporting a well-fitted orange jumpsuit and spending some time behind bars. However, the instant street credibility associated with having been to jail is a little cliché and […]


Bush: To lead, follow the people

For the past month, President Bush’s approval rating has been lingering just below 40 percent, and apparently the White House is concerned. Bush appointed Joshua Bolten last week as the new chief of staff after Andy Card announced his resignation, and in response to the growing opposition to the war […]


Discrimination is wrong, regardless of its rationale

College is usually a time when many students “find” themselves. Some try to find a religion they can identify with, others look to find who they are sexually. Thanks to a program at Florida State University, students who are attempting to “find” themselves sexually don’t have to feel alone. FSU’s […]