

Campus Fire Safety

To the editor: The importance of campus fire safety was reinforced last week with the fire at George Washington University and serves as a valuable teachable moment. A freshman was critically injured in a fire that was started by a portable grill igniting the student’s bedding material. The building was […]



Dear Sir or Madam: Please consider printing the article given below in your paper. Edit where needed. DR. J. ALVA SCRUGGSFRANK(LY) SPEAKING OR LETTER TO EDITOR 1804 MAYFAIR DRIVETALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32303PHONE&FAX (850)385-5750E-MAIL JSCRU5750 (at) AOL.COMWebsite ; SCHOOL OF JORNALISM STUDENTS SHOULD BLOGG!!! The Schools of Journalism, especially those in […]


Program promotes equality

After several racist incidents targeted at minority students in the classroom and on campus, a resolution was created. The University of Colorado is preparing to implement some new restrictions for racial harassment, according to an article in the Colorado Daily. According to the report, the decision came after 58 cases […]


LyleHopewell sports article March 23/05

In response to the Hopewell article why congress should intervene because 23% of the mlb is made up of foriegn players. Thus far only one mlb player born in another place outside of the US has even been mentioned to have taken steriods. It has not yet been proven that […]


Gas prices continue to rise

Sophomore Tiffany Mathis and junior Alvinitra Person decided to travel Friday. When they left, Tallahassee’s gas averaged $2 a gallon. When they returned Sunday, they were shocked by the change in gas prices. “I remember riding past several gas stations before actually getting gas,” said Mathis, a 21-year-old native of […]


Program honors scholars

Thursday’s Honor Day Convocation recognized students who achieved a 3.0 or higher grade point average. Students, faculty and staff attended the convocation, which was themed, “Challenges and Commitments: Necessary Prerequisites for Success.” Keynote speaker, state representative Arthenia L. Joyner, D-Tampa, told honor students the world needed more people like them. […]


Relationships: Private or not

It has become evident that on this campus relationships are becoming more and more like marriages without the ring. A couple begins by spending weekends at each other’s houses, then it increases to three or four times a week and then every night. The next thing you know there is […]


Caution is a must for both sexes

The word on the street is that “no” means “no.” According to, one out of every three women will be raped during her lifetime. While the statistic may seem alarming, it’s true. There are steps that people can take to protect themselves from individuals that may attempt to sexually […]


Pets serve as companions

Does having a pet fill the empty space? Pets just may be the best way to cure loneliness. One of the primary reasons for living alone would be for privacy, but living alone can be quite lonesome. So, what do a college students do to feel at home? They buy […]


Love grows despite age

When a man meets a younger woman, he may look for qualities such as good looks, personality and class. However, when a man meets an older woman, he may be looking for different qualities. “Dating a female who is around your age is completely different from dating an older female,” […]