Author: Marcus Joseph


Fire Ants Studio Features Local Photographer’s Work

Fire Ants Studio featured a local photographer’s work last Friday. The exhibit, entitled “From Here to There… and Back Again, showcased several pictures from Christian Harkness at Railroad Square’s monthly first Friday event, a gathering of local artists, musicians and unique food vendors for residents. It was the studio’s third-anniversary […]


In Restructuring: FAMU Cuts Jobs throughout Campus

Florida A&M cut 48 staffers in its bid to restructure the university. Another 109, stimulus-dollars-paid workers will lose their jobs in the coming weeks as FAMU responds to sweeping budget cuts throughout the state and the loss of federal stimulus money. The 48 workers, which included 24 University Support Personnel […]


‘That Old Rattler Spirit’

Former-Florida-A&M-basketball-star-turned-head-coach Clemon Johnson has promised winning seasons for the university’s men’s team. FAMU picked Johnson, a 1978 graduate, in the hopes of turning around both the team’s records and dismal attendance at the games. Last season, only a few dozen fans attended each game. Rattlers’ basketball finished 12-20 last season. […]


J-School Loses 13 as Restructuring Begins

Florida A&M this week started cutting jobs throughout the university as part of the impending restructuring process. FAMU’s School of Journalism and Graphic Communications lost 13 staff members – from office assistants to managers. The university issued termination notices to 48 workers Tuesday, placing them on “administrative leave with pay” […]


FAMU to Introduce New Basketball Coach Next Week

Florida A&M plans to introduce the university’s new head basketball coach next week. Part-press conference and part-pep rally, FAMU invited students to attend en masse next Tuesday, May 31, to support the arrival of Clemon Johnson. A press statement urged students to wear orange and green, and fill the parking […]


FAMU Women Walk their Way to Better Health

Florida A&M women walked together nearly every day the past week in a bid to improved their health. Organized by FAMU’s Women’s Center, the seven-day walk was a challenge to get women together. It was part of a larger effort this summer to improve women’s health awareness that […]


When Rattlers Lose the Will to Strike

I represent Florida, Agricultural, And Mechanical, University, and October 3, 1887! What…? This is our chant this is who I am, I have heard several of my family members say I bleed orange and green, I am FAMU, I love FAMU, this is my university and I will fight whatever […]


Students Learn about Environment at FAMU ‘Ag It Up Day’

More than 2,000 elementary school students from Tallahassee and surrounding cities learned about composting, agriculture and eco-friendliness at Florida A&M’s first-annual “Ag It Up Day” Friday, May 20. Presenters included environmental science students at FAMU, professionals in agriculture and psychologist taught the fourth and fifth-graders about nutrition, home gardening, and […]


City: Plans to Expand FAMU Way on Schedule

City officials say the plan to expand FAMU way is on schedule. Assistant to the City Manager Michelle Bono called it a “very aggressive plan” to add sidewalks, bike and multi-use lanes, innovative parking design and linear parks. Estimates for sidewalk construction alone were five years in 2004. Projections show […]


Children’s Charity Hopes Tennis Can Spread Message

When more than a dozen advanced and intermediate tennis players competed last weekend, championships and titles were the furthest thing from their minds.  These men and women, many professionals from around the cities and others religious leaders, were participating in the first of what a youth charity hopes to be […]