

The Famuan Classified

EMPLOYMENT SUMMER JOBS starting at $190 per week with room and board included. Work at one of the University of Florida’s four recreational, overnight camps located in Lake Placid, Ocala National Forest, Madison or Niceville. Staff has no cabin responsibilities and most weekends off. University of Florida 4-H Summer Staff […]


Activities for the Week

Monday, March 4 Union Board Meeting: The Union Board of Advisers meeting will be held in the Snake Pit from 3:30-5 p.m. PAAC Meeting: The weekly meeting, open to students-at-large, clubs and organizations, will be held in the Snake Pit from 8-9 p.m. Presidential Ambassadors General Meeting: The meeting will […]


Campus Notes

New York University School of Medicine will hold summer institute for students who are interested in pursuing careers in the biomedical sciences. North Carolina State will hold a Minority Graduate Education summer research program for Undergraduates in science, math, and engineering. University of Georgia in Athens, will hold a summer […]


DJ turned rapper, squeaky new player in Tennessee rap game

The infusion of down South, dirty rappers on the hip-hop scene continues with DJ Squeeky’s album, The Legacy. Just as his name implies, the Memphis, Tenn. based producer turned rapper, has been making noise on the hip-hop scene since 1997. However, DJ Squeeky’s bass-heavy, streetwise lyrics resonate much louder than […]


Grammy winners convey feelings after conquest

From sight gags like Lil’ Kim to living monuments like Ralph Stanley, here’s a sampling of their first impressions after the thrill of victory. The sudden trendiness of traditional American country music took up the heavy chatter backstage. Most of the stars involved in the projects, including the O Brother, […]


Glaucoma silently preys on eyesight at any age

It happens at any time, there are no symptoms and it is affecting the vision of many African-Americans everywhere. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness among African-Americans. Although there is no known cure, there are steps that can be taken toward detection and treatment. “People should get glaucoma tests […]


Alicia Keys not deserving of five Grammy wins

Is it me, or did the music industry take a couple of giant steps backwards by awarding Alicia Keys five Grammys? Keys’ album, Songs in A Minor, debuted last summer and since then has experienced an incredible amount of critical and commercial success. At the tender age of 20, she […]


College students abuse Ritalin as study aid

MIAMI – Before he studies for a midterm or a final, a 20-year-old University of Miami pre-law student pops a Ritalin pill. Called Vitamin R or the “cramming drug,” the small white pill keeps him and some of his dorm mates awake and increases their concentration. But illegal and abusive […]


Election process leaves students upset, confused

In the wake of Florida A&M University’s Spring 2002 SGA elections, many students have been left wondering whether the campus’ election process is fair and if their votes really count. Razor-thin margins in a variety of categories, re-votes for some positions but not others and stories of students not being […]


Despite results, ‘we are all winners’

Rattlers, I cannot thank you enough for the love and dedication that you showed the candidates during this year’s election.If there is one thing that I’ve learned during my short time here at FAMU, it’s that when you have a dedicated group of people behind you who are the SOURCE […]