Author: Christina Hordge


Summit unifies leaders and students

The Student Government Association produced impressive numbers and solutions at the first State of the Black Student Summit on Tuesday in Lee Hall. Among the outstanding numbers in student attendance the summit involved students in the highly anticipated panel discussion headlined with well renowned professionals in the black community. Various […]


Senate confirms eight officers

The 34th student senate met Monday to confirm eight of the nine student officers. However, before confirmations began one senator revealed that prior notification to candidates was not done, which went against the rules and procedures. The eight officers confirmed were: Marcus Barrington, associate justice for supreme court; Joseph Wilson, […]


SGA rallies students to take a stand against racism

Former Secretary of Education William Bennett made a controversial comment Sept. 29 on his radio station. He said “If you wanted to, if that was your sole purpose, if you abort every black baby you would reduce the crime rate.” Many listened in anguish, some including students at FAMU. As […]


Caribbean students bring conference to campus

Students across Florida are migrating to the campus this weekend for the Florida Caribbean Student Association conference hosted by Florida A&M University’s chapter of CSA. “I am pumped; this will be the largest CSA conference ever,” said Sherrill Leon, conference chair of CSA. With approximately 800 students anticipated to arrive […]


Meeting welcomes students back to the hill

Nearly 70 students gathered at the town hall meeting in the new Pharmacy Building on August 30, which was hosted by the Student Government Association. The meeting welcomed new and returning students back to the hill and informed students, specifically first year students about college life. Crystal Gathers, the Activities […]


Operation: Donation

Members of the Student Government Association and various clubs and organizations at Florida A&M University collected donations for students hit by Hurricane Katrina during the football game on Sept. 3. Donations amounting in $10,175 were collected on behalf of the Operation Southern Hospitality Foundation. A number of students showed their […]


Nine students confirmed for student government Wednesday

The 34th student senate met Wednesday to discuss changes in the senate rules and procedures and to confirm nine Student Government Representatives in office. SGA President Ramon Alexander began the meeting with a brief review of last week’s successful activities. Alexander also reviewed several changes in the contracts of cabinet […]


SGA donates to local families during hoildays

Members of the Student Government Association plan to deliver cooked turkey dinner baskets to local Tallahassee families in need during the Christmas break-continuing what they started during Thanksgiving. Project 118 is a community service event, which was created during the 2000-2001 SGA administration, and partners with different businesses and churches […]


Gunshots ring out at local nightclub

After Baja’s Beach Club’s closing around 2 a.m. Sunday, a group of partygoers gathered outside. Lt. White, a watch commander for the Tallahassee Police Department, said a fight occurred, resulting in a shooting. TPD then received a number of calls from observers. The suspect-a black male of college age wearing […]


Reading program continues, to expand in future

#8220;Reading is fundamental.” For more than two years the Student Readership Program has been available to the student body at Florida A&M University. The readership program, which was brought to FAMU in 2003 under former Student Government Association President Larry O. Rivers’ administration, provides four newspapers to the student body […]