Author: Jason E. Hutchins


‘UnderWorld’ Overrated

Take Baz Luhrmann’s “Romeo Juliet”, remove the pesky sunshine, add werewolves and vampires, take out the romantic chemistry in the love story, and ladies and gents that’s Underworld. Kate Beckinsale stars as Selene, in a film about the events that surround a centuries-old war between vampires and lycans (werewolves).  As […]


FAMU Strives to Accomodate all Students

Being physically or mentally disabled could be an awkward situation, especiallywhen surrounded by people who don’t fully understand the situation.Because of this difficulty, several campus and state organizations offerservices to assist disabled students. The Equal Opportunity Program is one of many campus outlets that provideservices for the physically and learning […]


Senate Bill Raises Questions

A bill passed unanimously by the SGA Student Senate in Monday’s meeting gives power to a committee within the group to say who can and cannot be appointed to a position within the association. It came shortly before SGA president Larry O. Rivers was impeached for making an appointment to […]


Personal issues overrun senate

At a senate meeting held Monday night, Student Government President Larry Rivers was impeached by a senate charged with looking out for the best interests of the students. Unfortunately, this latest debacle is simply another step in the wrong direction. The funny thing is, the whole scenario sounds a little […]


Absence of African Americans in Movies and Television

You only have to turn on the television to see that the content is designed by white people and aimed at white audiences. However, African-Americans are not invisible. We are on television and in movies, but we tend to dominate only sports and the talk show circuit. Mainstream America would […]


President and First Lady Gainous

Greetings fellow Rattlers. I am writing this letter to thank the FAMU family for its support of my uncle and aunt, Pres. and First Lady Gainous. I know there were mixed emotions about whether Dr. Gainous was the right choice to lead FAMU into a post-Humphries future. While I’m sure […]


Rivers Impeachment

Letter to the editor, The coverage of Monday’s impeachment of SGA President Larry Rivers was woefully inaccurate. I was in attendance during the Rivers’ appearance and the impeachment motion during the meeting and can say, without qualm and bias, that the charges were more substantive and less based on personal […]


Computer Based Jobs Decline

Technology is increasing everyday. So there should be plenty of jobs for computer science students right? Not necessarily. Although technology is on the rise, there are more applicants for computer based positions than there are availabilities.Katherine Morland, the marketing and sales director of Solane Consulting Group Inc., said, “We’ve got […]



In your story regarding paychecks for the Famuan staff and “print” graduate students, why did you only point out print graduate students? Shawnell King is “broadcast journalism” graduate student. Please refer to the booklet kept in Dr. Hawkin’s office in room 424. The journalism department has three (3) seperate tracks […]



I am Gordon Watts, alumni of FSU, and I would like to thank FAMU for allowing me to be on your news list, even though I am not a student. Today, I write to express disappointment about the impeachment of your student body president, Larry Rivers. My perspective recalls the […]