

Library volunteers needed

The Family Learning Center located in the Dr. B.L. Perry, Jr. Library is looking for passionate and dedicated individuals willing to volunteer at least one hour per week with a child. Contact Alden Field at or (850) 606-2960.


SGA volunteers needed

The Office of the Comptroller of Student Government Association is now seeking volunteers with strong verbal and written skills. A finance background is requested but not required. Feel free to pick up an application in Student Government in the Old Student Building Room 210. For more information e-mail Morris Hawkins, […]


Miss Progressive Black Men pageant

The distinguished gentlemen of the FAMU Chapter of Progressive Black Men, Inc. cordially invite all interested ladies to the informational meeting for the 2007 Miss Progressive Black Men, Inc. Pageant. The informational will take place Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Dyson Pharmacy Room 103. If you have any questions feel […]


Years of black history must fit in only 28 days

January is over, and we all know what that means. Schools, stores, companies and everyone else in Tallahassee who cares – or pretends to do so – will break out the red, black and green to celebrate more than 400 years of black history in 28 days. Why do many […]


Senator insults all black progress

Yet another politician had a slip of the tongue in front of the press. In a Jan. 31 interview with the New York Observer, Sen. Joe Biden (D-Dela.) said the following about Sen. Barack Obama:”I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright […]


Mates chosen by majors?

So it is 11:30 p.m. and I am in the library with one of my friends studying for an exam. As our brains began to get weary of all the tiny words on the pages and tons of handwritten notes, we took a break and started talking about something that […]


Month unfit for blacks

Throughout history, there have been many black iconic figures who have changed the lives of everyday people. As I look at the past contributions of blacks, I wonder why there is only one month that represents our accomplishments. One of my friends pointed out to me that Blacks have built […]


Students win journalism honor

Three students received the Hearst Award, a renowned journalism award that recognizes students with outstanding journalism skills, this school year. FAMU is no stranger to the Hearst Awards program. The University has ranked top 10 overall in this competition as well as landed the title as the only historically black […]


Permed hair unhealthy

Every six to eight weeks, black women put a product on their hair that contains some of the same chemicals found in drain cleaner. Most women say relaxers, or perms, help their hair, but experts say they are actually doing irreparable damage. “The average person who wears a relaxer gets […]


Do you think…

Question: Do you think the FSU/TCC hazing incident gained as much media attention as the FAMU Kappa trial? Attention students: Every Monday we will ask the campus a question. If you have a response to the question, we welcome you to e-mail your answer to us at by Wednesday […]