Author: Melissa Donley


Companies market to college consumers

In a consumer-driven world, it is impossible to avoid marketing campaigns or advertisements targeted toward young adults. From clothing labels and billboards to TV commercials and product promotions on college campuses, students are swamped by various forms of marketing. Advertisements have been targeting young adults more aggressively in the past […]


Making grade demands help

Children question, challenge and test everything with an unwavering sense of confidence. The syncopated sobs from infants eventually take shape in the forms of: “How does this work? Can I play?” “I can do it myself,” “Stop, that’s mine give it back!” and “I’m telling.” As we grow older, we […]


Online Publication

Kudos to a well written publication!I enjoy being informed about the FAMU community and its surroundings. However, I have one concern. As a parent of one of your journalists, I am not sure you are aware that spelling of names and printing accurate information is crucial. Understanding that, PLEASE spell […]


Don’t expect proper delineation on BET

I must do something that I never thought I would do: applaud BET. I have actually found a program on the network that is mildly amusing and borderline innovative. BET’s “College Hill”, which showcases the lives of eight students from Southern University living in a dormitory, has brought to light […]


Tallahassee living not so bad after all

After my first visit to Tallahassee, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would return years later to spend my college career here. I pictured myself going to school in a city like Atlanta, Washington, D.C., or right at home in Miami. Somehow, Tallahassee was recently ranked the […]


Vitale contested

#8220;He’s awesome baby with a capital ‘A’!” It’s phrases like these that have made Dick Vitale one of the most recognizable figures in college basketball. When it comes to the intercollegiate game, Vitale is Mr. Know-It-All. If your life depended on passing an exam based on college basketball, you would […]


Infidelty unveiled

Kobe Bryant’s immense cloud of legal troubles may have grown a silver lining, and not a moment too soon. Last week, reports surfaced about a Portland, Ore., woman who claims she had an ongoing affair with Kobe Bryant over the course of a few years, with their last encounter taking […]


Team deals with Watson’s suspension

For the women’s basketball team, the idea of teamwork has recently been tested. Senior center Kim Watson was suspended indefinitely prior to Saturday’s game. Watson missed practice last Wednesday with what she said was an illness. As a result, head coach Debra Clark suspended the 2003 MEAC Player of the […]


Pre-game rituals prepare players

It’s the day of the big game. The whole city is coming to watch your team face off against your cross-town rivals. You sit in the locker room, anxiously awaiting the game, realizing you are not nervous. Why? You have already performed your pre-game ritual that gets you pumped up. […]


Bush’s address filled with partiality

Enthusiastic cheers rang out as President Bush gave his annual State of the Union address. Nearly each time that Bush paused, the crowd shot up from their seats and gave him a standing ovation. Because of this, there were more standing ovations than a night at the Oscars. With the […]