Author: The Editorial Board


University fails to consider students

Cancellation notices fot the Board of Trustees Sept. 14 meeting were posted late Sept. 10. Notices about the postponement of the Career and Organization fairs were issued Monday. However, no one in the administration had thought to cancel classes at that time. The trustees thought that Hurricane Ivan was enough […]


Hurricane Ivan delays Career Expo

The Fall Career Expo that was to be held today at the Leon County Civic Center has been postponed until Monday, Sept. 27 due to Hurricane Ivan. The Board of Trustees meeting has also been rescheduled. The Board of Trustees meeting has been rescheduled for Sept. 28, according to the […]


ERP errors extend graduate elections

As the result of a glitch in the University’s newly-implemented Enterprise Resource Planning system, graduate elections have been extended to today. The problem arose when a number of graduate students turned up to cast their votes in Monday’s elections and were turned away because they were classified as undergraduate students. […]


Approval causes upheaval in Senate

Emotions ran high at the Student Senate meeting Monday night as Maurice Slade was bypassed for the position of sophomore senator. Larry Ferguson, who reportedly received a lower score than Slade during his interview with the Elections and Appointments Committee, was confirmed for the position. “People went into the meeting […]


V oting Anti – Bush Wastes Votes

I understand the point black voters should support candidates that hold black america’s (if thats an acceprable demographic)interest as a priority. But, lets not forget Black Americans are still Americans. What happens to America happens to us as well. Anyone who understands the issues at play in this election in […]


The Senate Leadership is Crooked!

As a student who has been at FAMU for four years and involved in the Student Government Association, I was disturbed that the senate leadership allowed such unjust and unfair actions to take place at the previous meeting. Never in the past four years, has such a respectable process turned […]


Money Management

There’s a saying that goes “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” Similarly, Kanye West spit the line, “I gotta a problem with spending before I get it.” These visually broad and extreme statements are reflective of people with a financial status that is more than likely seen as carelessly […]


FAMU Announcements

Groundbreaking for the FAMU Recreational Center originally scheduled to take place at 10:30 a.m Wednesday has been canceled. For more information, contact Marvin Green at 561-2276. Applications for the Economic Development Advisory Board are currently available in the student government offices. This task force will work directly with the Department […]


Expo to expose students to nation’s top companies

Florida A&M University will hold its first Career Expo of this school year Wednesday at the Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center. It will be from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and will have representatives from almost 20 career fields in attendance. The expo, which is free, will give students the opportunity […]


College grads must prepare themselves for work force

#8220;I walk into a store and ask to speak with the manager. When he/she comes out, I introduce myself, “Hi, my name is Bill Ding and I’m looking for a job. Are you hiring?” The response is a prompt no. That’s all right. I’ll just try another store. I go […]