

Graduates leave with valuable knowledge

No matter what obstacles stand in your way I truly that believe everyone needs a college education. Many people worry that they can’t succeed in college. Sure, the curriculum is difficult, but with hard work it can be overcome. And don’t stress your grade point average, especially if you’re working […]


Student shootings

Another student shooting occurred last week. This time it was at a New Orleans high school. When will it end? Four young men burst into a gymnasium and sprayed bullets into the crowd Monday. Their target 15-year-old Jonathan Williams. The attackers came armed with an AK-47 rifle and at least […]


Friends, ethics fail to obstruct work

It brings a smile to my face when I hear somebody saying they heard about a certain situation from reading The Famuan It shows me that we did our job right. Whether it was about the still ongoing SGA elections, the cancencellation of the Be Out Day concert or when […]


Candidates appeal to president, VP

Larry O. Rivers and Virgil Miller filed an appeal with President Fred Gainous and Vice President of Student Affairs Patricia Green-Powell Thursday with hopes to seek “relief” of disqualification. SGA members Jarrett Tyus and Darnell Strom said that the appeal is illegal. According to Florida House Bill 353, interpretation 7, […]


Read fine print about student loans

Jinger Speights, a graphic design student, is looking forward to graduation, but she is not looking forward to the day her student loan payments begin. As graduation day nears, Speights is beginning to think about the monthly payments she will make for years to come. “I know I’m going to […]


‘Ready to lead’

SGA president-elect Travis A. Williams said Sunday that he’s charged to bring a “jam-packed” and “fun” year to the campus, despite attempts by other candidates to appeal disqualification rulings handed down by the SGA’s judicial branch. “We’ve kept silent because we respect the electoral process,” said Williams, a sophomore business […]


Athletic program surges to new heights

A brisk wind and a sun struggling to wake up kept me at ease. It was the Friday during spring break and FAMU’s men’s and women’s basketball teams were about to play in the semifinals of the MEAC tournament. While I stood in a line waiting for tickets in Richmond, […]


Squad seeks to promote school spirit

The FAMU Elite, a year-round co-ed squad that will support all the athletic teams next year, is ready to get its voice heard by whomever is willing listen. “We want to try to assist athletics,” said Abigail Mobley founder and mentor of the FAMU Elite. “We want to increase school […]


Family must treat each other royally

I feel like I’ve said so much in my years at The Famuan. I’ve always tried to reiterate the values that we should exhibit. This column is no different. I want to tell my black brothers showing love makes you more of a man, not less of one. Treat our […]


America must accept change

A new day is upon us. Bloodshed, war and pain in the world are nothing but the necessary agonies of birth. Because of this, people are starting to wake up to realities once thought too painful to face. It’s hard to stay asleep during times like these. Nothing is fulfilling […]