Author: Robyn Mizelle


Public smoking banned?

Asthma, heart disease and sudden infant death are side effects of secondhand smoke, which is why the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, American Heart Association, Smoke-Free for Health and several other organizations all teamed up to put the new Amendment 6 on the ballot for the November elections. “Amendment […]


Students make difference at shelter

Members of the Golden Key Honor Society commemorated the 12th annual “Make a Difference Day” Saturday at The Shelter on Tennessee Street. With help from the Gold Member Family, Golden Key members provided shelter clients with clothing, a barbeque lunch and encouragement. In return, the students received hope, said Tamiqua […]


Whanish Way And Gamble St.

I wasn’t going to comment on how Gamble Street and Whanish Way is now currently blocked off until I realized how much Gamble Street was needed. From my understanding the reason that these streets were blocked off was to provide a walk way from SBI to the new Journalism building. […]


Early celebration

The Gamma Alpha chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma Inc., began their homecoming celebration a few days early. The national service sorority hosted a pre-homecoming talent showcase in Lee Hall on Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. The event provided students with a positive on-campus activity with a different twist, said Angela […]


Campus Notes

Free Computer Classes*** that cover Microsoft Windows, Word, power Point, Excel, how to use email and the internet will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays in the FAMU DRS computer lab from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Parents and staff are welcome. For more information, call Jonathan Murrell at 915-5600. Delta […]


Chaos spoils Homecoming happiness

Homecoming is a time of unfettered celebration. Family, friends and alumni all come home for a good time. They come for the game, for the old friends, for the parties and for the memories. They do not come for the police blockades, the mall riots, the drunk drivers, the limited […]


Parking fees roll into town

Alumni, students and anyone planning to attend the Homecoming game should be prepared to pay for parking or walk. Or both. On game day fans can expect to pay $10 to park on the intramural field and five dollars to park at other lots. These lots include the parking garage, […]


New gun control will not stop criminal activity

In the wake of the sniper shootings, anti-gun advocates have been calling for more new gun control laws and a renewal of old gun control legislation. They claim that if tougher gun control laws were in place then the sniper attacks would not have occurred. What a load of crap! […]


Students should research universities

Losing, or the lack of, accreditation has become a common problem for many historically black colleges and universities. But this is insignificant when considering the thousands of students who don’t find out about this problem when they step onto the respective “yards”. A lack of adequate research may lead to […]


Odds favor Rattlers not Spartans

Don’t count FAMU out just yet. Just when the Rattler’s ship looked like it might be sinking, the team got back to its winning ways last Saturday with a win over arch-nemesis North Carolina A&T, to salvage what was otherwise a three-game home stand to forget. The Rattlers (5-3, 3-2) […]