Author: Augustine Rho


FCAT fails to help students

This time of year, most high school seniors are thinking about prom-who they’ll take and what they’ll wear- and graduation after parties. Unfortunately, senior year celebrations are the last thing on some students’ minds. They can’t think about capping off four years of high school because they’re still trying to […]



When junior broadcast journalism student Larry O. Rivers was elected as a member of the Ocklocknee River Soil and Water Conservation District Boardof Supervisors, many people thought he was in over his head. Now he’s running for SGA president. He, along with Virgil Miller, a senior biology pre-medicine student from […]



Ayinde Madzimoyo and Jehiel Oliver, candidates for SGA president and vice president, said they “overstand” the issues that concern students and minorities. “Overstand rather than understand,” said Madzimoyo, 20, a junior black psychology student from Atlanta. “We’re trying to overcome the issues that plague us as students and black people.” […]


Judicial Branch

Appealing parking tickets, hearing election cases and interpreting the student government constitution are all part of a day’s work for the judicial branch of the student government. The judicial branch is divided into two parts, traffic court and the student supreme court. Justice Rick Hamilton, said the court mostly hears […]


Ms. FAMU Candidates

She can be seen walking gracefully with the Royal Court at football games. She can be heard speaking at convocations. She is Miss FAMU. “Miss FAMU is the chief ambassador for the university,” said Miss FAMU candidate Angie Green, 21, a senior newspaper journalism student from Gainesville. “Not only does […]


Executive Branch

The executive branch of SGA does more than students may realize. SGA president Andre Hammel and vice president Tisa Holley oversee with the executive branch’s nine departments to ensure that students’ needs are met. Holley said she encourages anyone who has any complaints about campus issues such as housing or […]


Legislative Branch

Senators in the SGA’s legislative branch have to deal with everything from writing bills to balancing the student activities budget. “Many senators are political science and business majors, but that is not a requirement to work with the senate,” said Erin Barnes, 21, chairwoman of the senate’s Elections and Appropriations […]



Arie Arjeenah Muhammad makes waves in and out of FAMU’s swimming pool. “When I got here, I knew I was going to make a name for myself and make a name for FAMU swimming,” Muhammad said. “I knew I had all the essential ingredients.” She holds school records in both […]


Exhibit explores B’N’eath controversial word

What Lies B ‘N” eath was an extraordinary exhibit that portrayed life’s emotional roller coasters for blacks in America. Visiting the exhibit was an unforgettable experience. What stood out the most was the usage of the word “nigger”. I actually felt the strength of its hate in the distinctive images […]


Pageant to showcase royal court candidates

It’s that time of year again, election time. With elections comes the Mr. and Miss FAMU pageant, which is a tradition spanning over 20 years. Qualified candidates are given an opportunity to present their platforms and show their talents. The Mr. and Miss FAMU 2003 pageant will be held on […]