Author: Farrah Hudson


Waffles-N-Cream hits the spot

For those hungry for something sweet, Tyrra’s Waffles and Cream is the perfect remedy. Dessert lovers can put an end to their cravings with Tyrra’s own waffles and ice cream. Located on the corner of FAMU Way and Railroad Avenue Tyrra’s specialty is Waffles -N-Cream, a delicious dessert with a […]


Need job? Use the Bible

Think about the last book you’ve read that stimulated your personal interests. Can’t remember? “The Internship Bible” is one that is a guaranteed page-turner. Get out your notepad and highlighter and prepare to take the notes of your life. The valuable information provided by authors, Mark Oldman and Samer Hamadeh […]


University secure about next year

With a $6 million budget cut and the retiring of 50 faculty and staff members looming, President Fred Gainous said he is confident the university will not have problems coping next year. The retiring faculty members are a part of the state created Deferred Retirement Option Program. DROP, as it […]



SANTA ANA, Calif. — While his classmates at California State University, Fullerton, are scoping out sunny locations for spring break, Ronald Paul Larson arrived Monday in a very warm place. Kuwait. Grilling, 120-degree heat is just a few weeks away. So why did Larson spend $1,403 for a round-trip airline […]


Forget NCAA drama; I’m going pro

Cheaters never prosper in college basketball. That is, as long as they never get caught. March is the time of year when college basketball is supposed to shine in the national spotlight, instead it has a shiner. Programs such as Georgia State, Bonaventure, Fresno State and Michigan are all currently […]


Election codes need revisions

No one is perfect. Neither are the SGA Election Codes. The codes need to be revised every semester to update changes and avoid ambiguity. As difficult as it is, every code needs to be followed. Otherwise, it must be deleted. The Famuan had to ask for a copy of the […]


Sweat spawns awkward situation

Attention guys, it is now okay and widely desired for you to sweat profusely before you go on a date. We women thoroughly enjoy your scent and are turned on to the maximum degree by your sweat. According to a human biology study by the University of Pennsylvania, male perspiration […]


Journalists serve as conduit of facts

I am aware that some people are ignorant of the practice of journalism. Although they have little to no idea what it takes to do our job or how we do it, people make assumptions anyway. Some people think we’re spies, gossipmongers, and uninformed. This is absolutely not true. People […]


Campus needs fire awareness classes

Universities across the country are not required to install sprinkler systems in on and off-campus housing. According to a March 2002 article by Steve Giegerich of The Associated Press, 38 U.S. college students have died in on-campus fires. Giegerich said he fears that more deaths will have to occur before […]


War On Iraq

To Editor: I am an alumnus of FAMU as of April 2002. I’m in school at G-Tech and I read the FAMUAN online to see what’s going back at FAMU. I see there are a lot of anti-war opinions at FAM, and well deserved. Maybe it’s because Tallahassee is a […]